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540 lines
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Output destinations are streamed one by one.
Computes destination one-time address, amount key, range proof + HMAC, out_pk, ecdh_info.
import gc
from trezor import utils
from apps.monero import layout, signing
from apps.monero.signing import offloading_keys
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto, serialize
from .state import State
if False:
from apps.monero.xmr.types import Sc25519, Ge25519
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_rsig_bulletproof import Bulletproof
from trezor.messages import (
async def set_output(
state: State,
dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry,
dst_entr_hmac: bytes,
rsig_data: MoneroTransactionRsigData,
) -> MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck:
state.mem_trace(0, True)
mods = utils.unimport_begin()
# Progress update only for master message (skip for offloaded BP msg)
if not is_offloaded_bp:
await layout.transaction_step(
state, state.STEP_OUT, state.current_output_index + 1
state.mem_trace(1, True)
dst_entr = _validate(state, dst_entr, dst_entr_hmac, is_offloaded_bp)
state.mem_trace(2, True)
if not state.is_processing_offloaded:
# First output - we include the size of the container into the tx prefix hasher
if state.current_output_index == 0:
state.mem_trace(4, True)
state.summary_outs_money += dst_entr.amount
state.mem_trace(5, True)
# Compute tx keys and masks if applicable
tx_out_key, amount_key = _compute_tx_keys(state, dst_entr)
state.mem_trace(6, True)
# Range proof first, memory intensive (fragmentation)
rsig_data_new, mask = _range_proof(state, rsig_data)
state.mem_trace(7, True)
# If det masks & offloading, return as we are handling offloaded BP.
if state.is_processing_offloaded:
from trezor.messages import MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck
return MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck()
# Tx header prefix hashing, hmac dst_entr
tx_out_bin, hmac_vouti = _set_out_tx_out(state, dst_entr, tx_out_key)
state.mem_trace(11, True)
out_pk_dest, out_pk_commitment, ecdh_info_bin = _get_ecdh_info_and_out_pk(
del (dst_entr, mask, amount_key, tx_out_key)
state.mem_trace(12, True)
# Incremental hashing of the ECDH info.
# RctSigBase allows to hash only one of the (ecdh, out_pk) as they are serialized
# as whole vectors. We choose to hash ECDH first, because it saves state space.
state.mem_trace(13, True)
# output_pk_commitment is stored to the state as it is used during the signature and hashed to the
# RctSigBase later. No need to store amount, it was already stored.
state.last_step = state.STEP_OUT
state.mem_trace(14, True)
from trezor.messages import MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck
out_pk_bin = bytearray(64)
utils.memcpy(out_pk_bin, 0, out_pk_dest, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(out_pk_bin, 32, out_pk_commitment, 0, 32)
return MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck(
def _validate(
state: State,
dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry,
dst_entr_hmac: bytes,
is_offloaded_bp: bool,
) -> MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry:
if state.last_step not in (state.STEP_ALL_IN, state.STEP_OUT):
raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")
if is_offloaded_bp and (not state.rsig_offload):
raise ValueError("Extraneous offloaded msg")
if state.rsig_offload:
bidx = _get_rsig_batch(state, state.current_output_index)
last_in_batch = _is_last_in_batch(state, state.current_output_index, bidx)
not last_in_batch or state.is_processing_offloaded != is_offloaded_bp,
"Offloaded BP out of order",
state.is_processing_offloaded = is_offloaded_bp
if not state.is_processing_offloaded:
state.current_output_index += 1
not dst_entr or dst_entr.amount >= 0, "Destination with negative amount"
state.current_input_index + 1 == state.input_count, "Invalid number of inputs"
state.current_output_index < state.output_count, "Invalid output index"
if not state.is_processing_offloaded:
# HMAC check of the destination
dst_entr_hmac_computed = offloading_keys.gen_hmac_tsxdest(
state.key_hmac, dst_entr, state.current_output_index
crypto.ct_equals(dst_entr_hmac, dst_entr_hmac_computed), "HMAC failed"
del dst_entr_hmac_computed
dst_entr = None
del dst_entr_hmac
state.mem_trace(3, True)
return dst_entr
def _compute_tx_keys(
state: State, dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry
) -> tuple[Ge25519, Sc25519]:
"""Computes tx_out_key, amount_key"""
if state.is_processing_offloaded:
return None, None # no need to recompute
# additional tx key if applicable
additional_txkey_priv = _set_out_additional_keys(state, dst_entr)
# derivation = a*R or r*A or s*C
derivation = _set_out_derivation(state, dst_entr, additional_txkey_priv)
# amount key = H_s(derivation || i)
amount_key = crypto.derivation_to_scalar(derivation, state.current_output_index)
# one-time destination address P = H_s(derivation || i)*G + B
tx_out_key = crypto.derive_public_key(
del (derivation, additional_txkey_priv)
from apps.monero.xmr import monero
mask = monero.commitment_mask(crypto.encodeint(amount_key))
return tx_out_key, amount_key
def _set_out_tx_out(
state: State, dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry, tx_out_key: Ge25519
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
Manually serializes TxOut(0, TxoutToKey(key)) and calculates hmac.
tx_out_bin = bytearray(34)
tx_out_bin[0] = 0 # amount varint
tx_out_bin[1] = 2 # variant code TxoutToKey
crypto.encodepoint_into(tx_out_bin, tx_out_key, 2)
# Tx header prefix hashing
state.mem_trace(9, True)
# Hmac dst_entr
hmac_vouti = offloading_keys.gen_hmac_vouti(
state.key_hmac, dst_entr, tx_out_bin, state.current_output_index
state.mem_trace(10, True)
return tx_out_bin, hmac_vouti
def _range_proof(
state: State, rsig_data: MoneroTransactionRsigData
) -> tuple[MoneroTransactionRsigData, Sc25519]:
Computes rangeproof and handles range proof offloading logic.
Since HF10 the commitments are deterministic.
The range proof is incrementally hashed to the final_message.
provided_rsig = None
if rsig_data and rsig_data.rsig and len(rsig_data.rsig) > 0:
provided_rsig = rsig_data.rsig
if not state.rsig_offload and provided_rsig:
raise signing.Error("Provided unexpected rsig")
# Batching & validation
bidx = _get_rsig_batch(state, state.current_output_index)
last_in_batch = _is_last_in_batch(state, state.current_output_index, bidx)
if state.rsig_offload and provided_rsig and not last_in_batch:
raise signing.Error("Provided rsig too early")
if (
and last_in_batch
and not provided_rsig
and state.is_processing_offloaded
raise signing.Error("Rsig expected, not provided")
# Batch not finished, skip range sig generation now
mask = state.output_masks[-1] if not state.is_processing_offloaded else None
offload_mask = mask and state.rsig_offload
# If not last, do not proceed to the BP processing.
if not last_in_batch:
rsig_data_new = (
_return_rsig_data(mask=crypto.encodeint(mask)) if offload_mask else None
return rsig_data_new, mask
# Rangeproof
# Pedersen commitment on the value, mask from the commitment, range signature.
rsig = None
state.mem_trace("pre-rproof" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
if not state.rsig_offload:
"""Bulletproof calculation in Trezor"""
rsig = _rsig_bp(state)
elif not state.is_processing_offloaded:
"""Bulletproof offloaded to the host, deterministic masks. Nothing here, waiting for offloaded BP."""
"""Bulletproof offloaded to the host, check BP, hash it."""
_rsig_process_bp(state, rsig_data)
state.mem_trace("rproof" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
# Construct new rsig data to send back to the host.
rsig_data_new = _return_rsig_data(
rsig, crypto.encodeint(mask) if offload_mask else None
if state.current_output_index + 1 == state.output_count and (
not state.rsig_offload or state.is_processing_offloaded
# output masks and amounts are not needed anymore
state.output_amounts = None
state.output_masks = None
return rsig_data_new, mask
def _rsig_bp(state: State) -> bytes:
"""Bulletproof calculation in trezor"""
from apps.monero.xmr import range_signatures
rsig = range_signatures.prove_range_bp_batch(
state.output_amounts, state.output_masks
state.mem_trace("post-bp" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
# Incremental BP hashing
# BP is hashed with raw=False as hash does not contain L, R
# array sizes compared to the serialized bulletproof format
# thus direct serialization cannot be used.
state.full_message_hasher.rsig_val(rsig, raw=False)
state.mem_trace("post-bp-hash" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
rsig = _dump_rsig_bp(rsig)
"post-bp-ser, size: %s" % len(rsig) if __debug__ else None, collect=True
# state cleanup
state.output_masks = []
state.output_amounts = []
return rsig
def _rsig_process_bp(state: State, rsig_data: MoneroTransactionRsigData):
from apps.monero.xmr import range_signatures
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_rsig_bulletproof import Bulletproof
bp_obj = serialize.parse_msg(rsig_data.rsig, Bulletproof)
rsig_data.rsig = None
# BP is hashed with raw=False as hash does not contain L, R
# array sizes compared to the serialized bulletproof format
# thus direct serialization cannot be used.
state.full_message_hasher.rsig_val(bp_obj, raw=False)
res = range_signatures.verify_bp(bp_obj, state.output_amounts, state.output_masks)
utils.ensure(res, "BP verification fail")
state.mem_trace("BP verified" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
del (bp_obj, range_signatures)
# State cleanup after verification is finished
state.output_amounts = []
state.output_masks = []
def _dump_rsig_bp(rsig: Bulletproof) -> bytes:
if len(rsig.L) > 127:
raise ValueError("Too large")
# Manual serialization as the generic purpose serialize.dump_msg_gc
# is more memory intensive which is not desired in the range proof section.
# BP: V, A, S, T1, T2, taux, mu, L, R, a, b, t
# Commitment vector V is not serialized
# Vector size under 127 thus varint occupies 1 B
buff_size = 32 * (9 + 2 * (len(rsig.L))) + 2
buff = bytearray(buff_size)
utils.memcpy(buff, 0, rsig.A, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32, rsig.S, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 2, rsig.T1, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 3, rsig.T2, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 4, rsig.taux, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 5,, 0, 32)
buff[32 * 6] = len(rsig.L)
offset = 32 * 6 + 1
for x in rsig.L:
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, x, 0, 32)
offset += 32
buff[offset] = len(rsig.R)
offset += 1
for x in rsig.R:
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, x, 0, 32)
offset += 32
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, rsig.a, 0, 32)
offset += 32
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, rsig.b, 0, 32)
offset += 32
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, rsig.t, 0, 32)
return buff
def _return_rsig_data(
rsig: bytes = None, mask: bytes = None
) -> MoneroTransactionRsigData:
if rsig is None and mask is None:
return None
from trezor.messages import MoneroTransactionRsigData
rsig_data = MoneroTransactionRsigData()
if mask:
rsig_data.mask = mask
if rsig:
rsig_data.rsig = rsig
return rsig_data
def _get_ecdh_info_and_out_pk(
state: State, tx_out_key: Ge25519, amount: int, mask: Sc25519, amount_key: Sc25519
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]:
Calculates the Pedersen commitment C = aG + bH and returns it as CtKey.
Also encodes the two items - `mask` and `amount` - into ecdh info,
so the recipient is able to reconstruct the commitment.
out_pk_dest = crypto.encodepoint(tx_out_key)
out_pk_commitment = crypto.encodepoint(crypto.gen_commitment(mask, amount))
crypto.sc_add_into(state.sumout, state.sumout, mask)
ecdh_info = _ecdh_encode(amount, crypto.encodeint(amount_key))
# Manual ECDH info serialization
ecdh_info_bin = _serialize_ecdh(ecdh_info)
return out_pk_dest, out_pk_commitment, ecdh_info_bin
def _serialize_ecdh(ecdh_info: EcdhTuple) -> bytes:
Serializes ECDH according to the current format defined by the hard fork version
or the signature format respectively.
# Since HF10 the amount is serialized to 8B and mask is deterministic
ecdh_info_bin = bytearray(8)
ecdh_info_bin[:] = ecdh_info.amount[0:8]
return ecdh_info_bin
def _ecdh_hash(shared_sec: bytes) -> bytes:
Generates ECDH hash for amount masking for Bulletproof2
data = bytearray(38)
data[0:6] = b"amount"
data[6:] = shared_sec
return crypto.cn_fast_hash(data)
def _ecdh_encode(amount: int, amount_key: bytes) -> EcdhTuple:
Output recipients decode amounts from EcdhTuple structure.
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple
ecdh_info = EcdhTuple(mask=crypto.NULL_KEY_ENC, amount=bytearray(32))
amnt = crypto.sc_init(amount)
crypto.encodeint_into(ecdh_info.amount, amnt)
crypto.xor8(ecdh_info.amount, _ecdh_hash(amount_key))
return ecdh_info
def _set_out_additional_keys(
state: State, dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry
) -> Sc25519:
If needed (decided in step 1), additional tx keys are calculated
for this particular output.
if not state.need_additional_txkeys:
return None
additional_txkey_priv = crypto.random_scalar()
if dst_entr.is_subaddress:
# R=r*D
additional_txkey = crypto.decodepoint(dst_entr.addr.spend_public_key)
additional_txkey, additional_txkey, additional_txkey_priv
# R=r*G
additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult_base(additional_txkey_priv)
return additional_txkey_priv
def _set_out_derivation(
state: State,
dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry,
additional_txkey_priv: Sc25519,
) -> Ge25519:
Calculates derivation which is then used in the one-time address as
`P = H(derivation)*G + B`.
For change outputs the derivation equals a*R, because we know the
private view key. For others it is either `r*A` for traditional
addresses, or `s*C` for subaddresses. Both `r` and `s` are random
scalars, `s` is used in the context of subaddresses, but it's
basically the same thing.
from apps.monero.xmr.addresses import addr_eq
change_addr = state.change_address()
if change_addr and addr_eq(dst_entr.addr, change_addr):
# sending change to yourself; derivation = a*R
derivation = crypto.generate_key_derivation(
state.tx_pub, state.creds.view_key_private
# sending to the recipient; derivation = r*A (or s*C in the subaddress scheme)
if dst_entr.is_subaddress and state.need_additional_txkeys:
deriv_priv = additional_txkey_priv
deriv_priv = state.tx_priv
derivation = crypto.generate_key_derivation(
crypto.decodepoint(dst_entr.addr.view_public_key), deriv_priv
return derivation
def _is_last_in_batch(state: State, idx: int, bidx: int) -> bool:
Returns true if the current output is last in the rsig batch
batch_size = state.rsig_grouping[bidx]
return (idx - sum(state.rsig_grouping[:bidx])) + 1 == batch_size
def _get_rsig_batch(state: State, idx: int) -> int:
Returns index of the current rsig batch
r = 0
c = 0
while c < idx + 1:
c += state.rsig_grouping[r]
r += 1
return r - 1