You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from trezor.messages import MessageType
if __debug__:
from trezor import log
type_to_name = {} # int -> string, reverse table of wire_type mapping
registered = {} # int -> class, dynamically registered message types
def register(msg_type):
"""Register custom message type in runtime."""
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "register %s", msg_type)
registered[msg_type.MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE] = msg_type
def get_type(wire_type):
"""Get message class for handling given wire_type."""
if wire_type in registered:
# message class is explicitly registered
msg_type = registered[wire_type]
# import message class from trezor.messages dynamically
name = type_to_name[wire_type]
module = __import__("trezor.messages.%s" % name, None, None, (name,), 0)
msg_type = getattr(module, name)
return msg_type
# build reverse table of wire types
for msg_name in dir(MessageType):
# Modules contain internal variables that may cause exception here.
# No Message begins with underscore so it's safe to skip those.
if msg_name[0] == "_":
type_to_name[getattr(MessageType, msg_name)] = msg_name