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from typing import *
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
class FatFSFile:
Class encapsulating file
def __enter__(self) -> FatFSFile:
Return an open file object
from types import TracebackType
def __exit__(
self, type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
value: Optional[BaseException],
traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
Close an open file object
def close(self) -> None:
Close an open file object
def read(self, data: bytearray) -> int:
Read data from the file
def write(self, data: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> int:
Write data to the file
def seek(self, offset: int) -> None:
Move file pointer of the file object
def truncate(self) -> None:
Truncate the file
def sync(self) -> None:
Flush cached data of the writing file
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
class FatFSDir(Iterator[Tuple[int, str, str]]):
Class encapsulating directory
def __next__(self) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
Read an entry in the directory
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def open(path: str, flags: str) -> FatFSFile:
Open or create a file
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def listdir(path: str) -> FatFSDir:
List a directory (return generator)
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def mkdir(path: str, exist_ok: bool=False) -> None:
Create a sub directory
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def unlink(path: str) -> None:
Delete an existing file or directory
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def stat(path: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
Get file status
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def rename(oldpath: str, newpath: str) -> None:
Rename/Move a file or directory
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def mount() -> None:
Mount the SD card filesystem.
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def unmount() -> None:
Unmount the SD card filesystem.
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def is_mounted() -> bool:
Check if the filesystem is mounted.
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def mkfs() -> None:
Create a FAT volume on the SD card,
# extmod/modtrezorio/modtrezorio-fatfs.h
def setlabel(label: str) -> None:
Set volume label