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# Wire
Handles on-the-wire communication with a host computer. The communication is:
- Request / response.
- Protobuf-encoded, see ``.
- Wrapped in a simple envelope format, see `trezor/wire/` or `trezor/wire/`.
- Transferred over USB interface, or UDP in case of Unix emulation.
This module:
1. Runs workflows, also called `handlers`, to process the message.
2. Creates and passes the `Context` object to the handlers. This provides an interface to
wait, read, write etc. on the wire.
## Session handler
When the `wire.setup` is called the `handle_session` coroutine is scheduled. The
`handle_session` waits for some messages to be received on some particular interface and
reads the message's header. When the message type is known the first handler is called. This way the
`handle_session` goes through all the workflows.
from micropython import const
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from storage.cache_common import InvalidSessionError
from trezor import log, loop, protobuf, utils
from trezor.enums import FailureType
from trezor.messages import Failure
from trezor.wire import codec_v1, context, message_handler, protocol_common, thp_v1
from trezor.wire.errors import DataError, Error
# Import all errors into namespace, so that `wire.Error` is available from
# other packages.
from trezor.wire.errors import * # isort:skip # noqa: F401,F403
from trezorio import WireInterface
from typing import (
Msg = TypeVar("Msg", bound=protobuf.MessageType)
HandlerTask = Coroutine[Any, Any, protobuf.MessageType]
Handler = Callable[[Msg], HandlerTask]
LoadedMessageType = TypeVar("LoadedMessageType", bound=protobuf.MessageType)
# If set to False protobuf messages marked with "experimental_message" option are rejected.
def setup(iface: WireInterface, is_debug_session: bool = False) -> None:
"""Initialize the wire stack on passed WireInterface."""
if utils.USE_THP:
loop.schedule(handle_thp_session(iface, is_debug_session))
loop.schedule(handle_session(iface, codec_v1.SESSION_ID, is_debug_session))
def wrap_protobuf_load(
buffer: bytes,
expected_type: type[LoadedMessageType],
) -> LoadedMessageType:
msg = protobuf.decode(buffer, expected_type, EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLED)
if __debug__ and utils.EMULATOR:
__name__, "received message contents:\n%s", utils.dump_protobuf(msg)
return msg
except Exception as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
if e.args:
raise DataError("Failed to decode message: " + " ".join(e.args))
raise DataError("Failed to decode message")
if __debug__:
async def handle_thp_session(iface: WireInterface, is_debug_session: bool = False):
if __debug__ and is_debug_session:
ctx_buffer = WIRE_BUFFER_DEBUG
ctx_buffer = WIRE_BUFFER
if __debug__ and is_debug_session:
import apps.debug
print(apps.debug.DEBUG_CONTEXT) # TODO remove
# TODO add debug context or smth to apps.debug
# Take a mark of modules that are imported at this point, so we can
# roll back and un-import any others.
modules = utils.unimport_begin()
while True:
await thp_v1.thp_main_loop(iface, is_debug_session)
if not __debug__ or not is_debug_session:
# Unload modules imported by the workflow. Should not raise.
# This is not done for the debug session because the snapshot taken
# in a debug session would clear modules which are in use by the
# workflow running on wire.
except Exception as exc:
# Log and try again. The session handler can only exit explicitly via
# loop.clear() above.
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, exc)
async def handle_session(
iface: WireInterface, codec_session_id: int, is_debug_session: bool = False
) -> None:
if __debug__ and is_debug_session:
ctx_buffer = WIRE_BUFFER_DEBUG
ctx_buffer = WIRE_BUFFER
session_id = codec_session_id.to_bytes(4, "big")
ctx = context.CodecContext(iface, ctx_buffer, session_id)
next_msg: protocol_common.MessageWithId | None = None
if __debug__ and is_debug_session:
import apps.debug
apps.debug.DEBUG_CONTEXT = ctx
# Take a mark of modules that are imported at this point, so we can
# roll back and un-import any others.
modules = utils.unimport_begin()
while True:
if next_msg is None:
# If the previous run did not keep an unprocessed message for us,
# wait for a new one coming from the wire.
msg = await ctx.read_from_wire()
except protocol_common.WireError as exc:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, exc)
await ctx.write(failure(exc))
# Process the message from previous run.
msg = next_msg
next_msg = None
# Set ctx.session_id to the value msg.session_id
if msg.session_id is not None:
ctx.channel_id = msg.session_id
next_msg = await message_handler.handle_single_message(
ctx, msg, use_workflow=not is_debug_session
except Exception as exc:
# Log and ignore. The session handler can only exit explicitly in the
# following finally block.
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, exc)
if not __debug__ or not is_debug_session:
# Unload modules imported by the workflow. Should not raise.
# This is not done for the debug session because the snapshot taken
# in a debug session would clear modules which are in use by the
# workflow running on wire.
if next_msg is None and msg.type not in AVOID_RESTARTING_FOR:
# Shut down the loop if there is no next message waiting.
# Let the session be restarted from `main`.
return # pylint: disable=lost-exception
except Exception as exc:
# Log and try again. The session handler can only exit explicitly via
# loop.clear() above.
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, exc)
def _find_handler_placeholder(iface: WireInterface, msg_type: int) -> Handler | None:
"""Placeholder handler lookup before a proper one is registered."""
return None
find_handler = _find_handler_placeholder
AVOID_RESTARTING_FOR: Container[int] = ()
def failure(exc: BaseException) -> Failure:
if isinstance(exc, Error):
return Failure(code=exc.code, message=exc.message)
elif isinstance(exc, loop.TaskClosed):
return Failure(code=FailureType.ActionCancelled, message="Cancelled")
elif isinstance(exc, InvalidSessionError):
return Failure(code=FailureType.InvalidSession, message="Invalid session")
# NOTE: when receiving generic `FirmwareError` on non-debug build,
# change the `if __debug__` to `if True` to get the full error message.
if __debug__:
message = str(exc)
message = "Firmware error"
return Failure(code=FailureType.FirmwareError, message=message)
def unexpected_message() -> Failure:
return Failure(code=FailureType.UnexpectedMessage, message="Unexpected message")