You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.3 KiB

import trezorproto
decode = trezorproto.decode
encode = trezorproto.encode
encoded_length = trezorproto.encoded_length
type_for_name = trezorproto.type_for_name
type_for_wire = trezorproto.type_for_wire
# Note that MessageType "subclasses" are not true subclasses, but instead instances
# of the built-in metaclass MsgDef. MessageType instances are in fact instances of
# the built-in type Msg. That is why isinstance checks do not work, and instead the
# MessageTypeSubclass.is_type_of() method must be used.
if False:
from typing import Type, TypeGuard, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T", bound="MessageType")
class MsgDef(type):
def is_type_of(cls: Type[Type[T]], msg: "MessageType") -> TypeGuard[T]:
"""Identify if the provided message belongs to this type."""
raise NotImplementedError
class MessageType(metaclass=MsgDef):
MESSAGE_NAME: str = "MessageType"
MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE: int | None = None
def load_message_buffer(
buffer: bytes,
msg_wire_type: int,
experimental_enabled: bool = True,
) -> MessageType:
msg_type = type_for_wire(msg_wire_type)
return decode(buffer, msg_type, experimental_enabled)
def dump_message_buffer(msg: MessageType) -> bytearray:
buffer = bytearray(encoded_length(msg))
encode(buffer, msg)
return buffer