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Multilayer Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group (MLSAG)
Optimized versions with incremental hashing.
Both Simple and Full Monero tx types are supported.
See for details.
Also explained in From Zero to Monero section 3.3 and 5.
Please note, that the MLSAG code is written in a generic manner,
where it is designed for multiple public keys (aka inputs). In another
words, MLSAG should be used to sign multiple inputs, but that is currently
not the case of Monero, where the inputs are signed one by one.
So the public keys matrix has always two rows (one for public keys,
one for commitments), although the algorithm is designed for `n` rows.
This has one unfortunate effect where `rows` is always equal to 2 and
dsRows always to 1, but the algorithm is still written as the numbers
are arbitrary. That's why there are loops such as `for i in range(dsRows)`
where it is run only once currently.
Also note, that the matrix of public keys is indexed by columns first.
This is because the code was ported from the official Monero client,
which is written in C++ and where it does have some memory advantages.
For ring size = 3 and one input the matrix M will look like this:
| public key 0 | public key 1 | public key 2 |
| cmt 0 - pseudo_out cmt | cmt 1 - pseudo_out cmt | cmt 2 - pseudo_out cmt |
and `sk` is equal to:
| private key* | input secret key's mask - pseudo_out's mask (alpha) |
* corresponding to one of the public keys (`index` denotes which one)
Mostly ported from official Monero client, but also inspired by Mininero.
Author: Dusan Klinec, ph4r05, 2018
import gc
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize import int_serialize
def generate_mlsag_simple(message, pubs, in_sk, a, cout, kLRki, index, mg_buff):
MLSAG for RctType.Simple
:param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash)
:param pubs: vector of MoneroRctKey; this forms the ring; point values in encoded form; (dest, mask) = (P, C)
:param in_sk: CtKey; spending private key with input commitment mask (original); better_name: input_secret_key
:param a: mask from the pseudo output commitment; better name: pseudo_out_alpha
:param cout: pseudo output commitment; point, decoded; better name: pseudo_out_c
:param kLRki: used only in multisig, currently not implemented
:param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `in_sk` in the pubs array
:param mg_buff: buffer to store the signature to
# Monero signs inputs separately, so `rows` always equals 2 (pubkey, commitment)
# and `dsRows` is always 1 (denotes where the pubkeys "end")
rows = 2
dsRows = 1
cols = len(pubs)
if cols == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty pubs")
sk = _key_vector(rows)
M = _key_matrix(rows, cols)
sk[0] = in_sk.dest
sk[1] = crypto.sc_sub(in_sk.mask, a)
tmp_pt = crypto.new_point()
for i in range(cols):
tmp_pt, crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp_pt, pubs[i].commitment), cout
M[i][0] = pubs[i].dest
M[i][1] = crypto.encodepoint(tmp_pt)
pubs[i] = None
del (pubs)
return generate_mlsag(message, M, sk, kLRki, index, dsRows, mg_buff)
def gen_mlsag_assert(pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows):
Conditions check
cols = len(pk)
if cols <= 1:
raise ValueError("Cols == 1")
if index >= cols:
raise ValueError("Index out of range")
rows = len(pk[0])
if rows == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty pk")
for i in range(cols):
if len(pk[i]) != rows:
raise ValueError("pk is not rectangular")
if len(xx) != rows:
raise ValueError("Bad xx size")
if dsRows > rows:
raise ValueError("Bad dsRows size")
if kLRki and dsRows != 1:
raise ValueError("Multisig requires exactly 1 dsRows")
if kLRki:
raise NotImplementedError("Multisig not implemented")
return rows, cols
def generate_first_c_and_key_images(message, pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows, rows, cols):
MLSAG computation - the part with secret keys
:param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash)
:param pk: matrix of public keys and commitments
:param xx: input secret array composed of a private key and commitment mask
:param kLRki: used only in multisig, currently not implemented
:param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `xx`'s private key in the `pk` array
:param dsRows: row number where the pubkeys "end" (and commitments follow)
:param rows: total number of rows
:param cols: size of ring
II = _key_vector(dsRows)
alpha = _key_vector(rows)
tmp_buff = bytearray(32)
Hi = crypto.new_point()
aGi = crypto.new_point()
aHPi = crypto.new_point()
hasher = _hasher_message(message)
for i in range(dsRows):
# this is somewhat extra as compared to the Ring Confidential Tx paper
# see footnote in From Zero to Monero section 3.3
if kLRki:
raise NotImplementedError("Multisig not implemented")
# alpha[i] = kLRki.k
# rv.II[i] =
# hash_point(hasher, kLRki.L, tmp_buff)
# hash_point(hasher, kLRki.R, tmp_buff)
crypto.hash_to_point_into(Hi, pk[index][i])
alpha[i] = crypto.random_scalar()
# L = alpha_i * G
crypto.scalarmult_base_into(aGi, alpha[i])
# Ri = alpha_i * H(P_i)
crypto.scalarmult_into(aHPi, Hi, alpha[i])
# key image
II[i] = crypto.scalarmult(Hi, xx[i])
_hash_point(hasher, aGi, tmp_buff)
_hash_point(hasher, aHPi, tmp_buff)
for i in range(dsRows, rows):
alpha[i] = crypto.random_scalar()
# L = alpha_i * G
crypto.scalarmult_base_into(aGi, alpha[i])
# for some reasons we omit calculating R here, which seems
# contrary to the paper, but it is in the Monero official client
# see
_hash_point(hasher, aGi, tmp_buff)
# the first c
c_old = hasher.digest()
c_old = crypto.decodeint(c_old)
return c_old, II, alpha
def generate_mlsag(message, pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows, mg_buff):
Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
:param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash)
:param pk: matrix of public keys and commitments
:param xx: input secret array composed of a private key and commitment mask
:param kLRki: used only in multisig, currently not implemented
:param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `xx`'s private key in the `pk` array
:param dsRows: separates pubkeys from commitment
:param mg_buff: mg signature buffer
rows, cols = gen_mlsag_assert(pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows)
rows_b_size = int_serialize.uvarint_size(rows)
# Preallocation of the chunked buffer, len + cols + cc
for _ in range(1 + cols + 1):
mg_buff[0] = int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b(cols)
cc = crypto.new_scalar() #
c = crypto.new_scalar()
L = crypto.new_point()
R = crypto.new_point()
Hi = crypto.new_point()
# calculates the "first" c, key images and random scalars alpha
c_old, II, alpha = generate_first_c_and_key_images(
message, pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows, rows, cols
i = (index + 1) % cols
if i == 0:
crypto.sc_copy(cc, c_old)
ss = [crypto.new_scalar() for _ in range(rows)]
tmp_buff = bytearray(32)
while i != index:
hasher = _hasher_message(message)
# Serialize size of the row
mg_buff[i + 1] = bytearray(rows_b_size + 32 * rows)
int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(rows, mg_buff[i + 1])
for x in ss:
for j in range(dsRows):
# L =[i][j] * G + c_old * pk[i][j]
L, ss[j], c_old, crypto.decodepoint_into(Hi, pk[i][j])
crypto.hash_to_point_into(Hi, pk[i][j])
# R =[i][j] * H(pk[i][j]) + c_old * Ip[j]
crypto.add_keys3_into(R, ss[j], Hi, c_old, II[j])
_hash_point(hasher, L, tmp_buff)
_hash_point(hasher, R, tmp_buff)
for j in range(dsRows, rows):
# again, omitting R here as discussed above
L, ss[j], c_old, crypto.decodepoint_into(Hi, pk[i][j])
_hash_point(hasher, L, tmp_buff)
for si in range(rows):
crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[i + 1], ss[si], rows_b_size + 32 * si)
crypto.decodeint_into(c, hasher.digest())
crypto.sc_copy(c_old, c)
pk[i] = None
i = (i + 1) % cols
if i == 0:
crypto.sc_copy(cc, c_old)
del II
# Finalizing by processing[index]
mg_buff[index + 1] = bytearray(rows_b_size + 32 * rows)
int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(rows, mg_buff[index + 1])
for j in range(rows):
crypto.sc_mulsub_into(ss[j], c, xx[j], alpha[j])
crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[index + 1], ss[j], rows_b_size + 32 * j)
mg_buff[-1] = crypto.encodeint(cc)
def _key_vector(rows):
return [None] * rows
def _key_matrix(rows, cols):
first index is columns (so slightly backward from math)
rv = [None] * cols
for i in range(0, cols):
rv[i] = _key_vector(rows)
return rv
def _generate_random_vector(n):
Generates vector of random scalars
return [crypto.random_scalar() for _ in range(0, n)]
def _hasher_message(message):
Returns incremental hasher for MLSAG
ctx = crypto.get_keccak()
return ctx
def _hash_point(hasher, point, tmp_buff):
crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_buff, point)