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from apps.monero.xmr import crypto, monero
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize.int_serialize import dump_uvarint_b
def compute_hash(rr):
kck = crypto.get_keccak()
if rr.additional_tx_pub_keys:
for x in rr.additional_tx_pub_keys:
return kck.digest()
def export_key_image(creds, subaddresses, td):
out_key = crypto.decodepoint(td.out_key)
tx_pub_key = crypto.decodepoint(td.tx_pub_key)
additional_tx_pub_keys = [crypto.decodepoint(x) for x in td.additional_tx_pub_keys]
ki, sig = _export_key_image(
return ki, sig
def _export_key_image(
creds, subaddresses, pkey, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys, out_idx, test=True
Generates key image for the TXO + signature for the key image
r = monero.generate_tx_spend_and_key_image_and_derivation(
creds, subaddresses, pkey, tx_pub_key, additional_tx_pub_keys, out_idx
xi, ki, recv_derivation = r[:3]
phash = crypto.encodepoint(ki)
sig = generate_ring_signature(phash, ki, [pkey], xi, 0, test)
return ki, sig
def generate_ring_signature(prefix_hash, image, pubs, sec, sec_idx, test=False):
Generates ring signature with key image.
void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature()
from trezor.utils import memcpy
if test:
t = crypto.scalarmult_base(sec)
if not crypto.point_eq(t, pubs[sec_idx]):
raise ValueError("Invalid sec key")
k_i = monero.generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[sec_idx]), sec)
if not crypto.point_eq(k_i, image):
raise ValueError("Key image invalid")
for k in pubs:
buff_off = len(prefix_hash)
buff = bytearray(buff_off + 2 * 32 * len(pubs))
memcpy(buff, 0, prefix_hash, 0, buff_off)
mvbuff = memoryview(buff)
sum = crypto.sc_0()
k = crypto.sc_0()
sig = []
for i in range(len(pubs)):
sig.append([crypto.sc_0(), crypto.sc_0()]) # c, r
for i in range(len(pubs)):
if i == sec_idx:
k = crypto.random_scalar()
tmp3 = crypto.scalarmult_base(k)
crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off : buff_off + 32], tmp3)
buff_off += 32
tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[i]))
tmp2 = crypto.scalarmult(tmp3, k)
crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off : buff_off + 32], tmp2)
buff_off += 32
sig[i] = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
tmp3 = pubs[i]
tmp2 = crypto.ge25519_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(
sig[i][0], tmp3, sig[i][1]
crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off : buff_off + 32], tmp2)
buff_off += 32
tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(tmp3))
tmp2 = crypto.ge25519_double_scalarmult_vartime2(
sig[i][1], tmp3, sig[i][0], image
crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off : buff_off + 32], tmp2)
buff_off += 32
sum = crypto.sc_add(sum, sig[i][0])
h = crypto.hash_to_scalar(buff)
sig[sec_idx][0] = crypto.sc_sub(h, sum)
sig[sec_idx][1] = crypto.sc_mulsub(sig[sec_idx][0], sec, k)
return sig