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# This file is part of the Trezor project.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License along with this library.
# If not, see <>.
import click
from .. import device, firmware, messages, toif
from . import ChoiceType, with_client
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
Image = None
ROTATION = {"north": 0, "east": 90, "south": 180, "west": 270}
"strict": messages.SafetyCheckLevel.Strict,
"prompt": messages.SafetyCheckLevel.PromptTemporarily,
def image_to_t1(filename: str) -> bytes:
if Image is None:
raise click.ClickException(
"Image library is missing. Please install via 'pip install Pillow'."
if filename.endswith(".toif"):
raise click.ClickException("TOIF images not supported on Trezor One")
image =
except Exception as e:
raise click.ClickException("Failed to load image") from e
if image.size != (128, 64):
raise click.ClickException("Wrong size of the image - should be 128x64")
image = image.convert("1")
return image.tobytes("raw", "1")
def image_to_tt(filename: str) -> bytes:
if filename.endswith(".toif"):
toif_image = toif.load(filename)
except Exception as e:
raise click.ClickException("TOIF file is corrupted") from e
elif Image is None:
raise click.ClickException(
"Image library is missing. Please install via 'pip install Pillow'."
image =
toif_image = toif.from_image(image)
except Exception as e:
raise click.ClickException(
"Failed to convert image to Trezor format"
) from e
if toif_image.size != (144, 144):
raise click.ClickException("Wrong size of image - should be 144x144")
if toif_image.mode != firmware.ToifMode.full_color:
raise click.ClickException("Wrong image mode - should be full_color")
return toif_image.to_bytes()"set")
def cli():
"""Device settings."""
@click.option("-r", "--remove", is_flag=True)
def pin(client, remove):
"""Set, change or remove PIN."""
return device.change_pin(client, remove)
@click.option("-r", "--remove", is_flag=True)
def wipe_code(client, remove):
"""Set or remove the wipe code.
The wipe code functions as a "self-destruct PIN". If the wipe code is ever
entered into any PIN entry dialog, then all private data will be immediately
removed and the device will be reset to factory defaults.
return device.change_wipe_code(client, remove)
# keep the deprecated -l/--label option, make it do nothing
@click.option("-l", "--label", "_ignore", is_flag=True, hidden=True, expose_value=False)
def label(client, label):
"""Set new device label."""
return device.apply_settings(client, label=label)
@click.argument("rotation", type=ChoiceType(ROTATION))
def display_rotation(client, rotation):
"""Set display rotation.
Configure display rotation for Trezor Model T. The options are
north, east, south or west.
return device.apply_settings(client, display_rotation=rotation)
@click.argument("delay", type=str)
def auto_lock_delay(client, delay):
"""Set auto-lock delay (in seconds)."""
if not client.features.pin_protection:
raise click.ClickException("Set up a PIN first")
value, unit = delay[:-1], delay[-1:]
units = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600}
if unit in units:
seconds = float(value) * units[unit]
seconds = float(delay) # assume seconds if no unit is specified
return device.apply_settings(client, auto_lock_delay_ms=int(seconds * 1000))
def flags(client, flags):
"""Set device flags."""
flags = flags.lower()
if flags.startswith("0b"):
flags = int(flags, 2)
elif flags.startswith("0x"):
flags = int(flags, 16)
flags = int(flags)
return device.apply_flags(client, flags=flags)
"-f", "--filename", "_ignore", is_flag=True, hidden=True, expose_value=False
def homescreen(client, filename):
"""Set new homescreen.
To revert to default homescreen, use 'trezorctl set homescreen default'
if filename == "default":
img = b""
# use Click's facility to validate the path for us
param = click.Path(dir_okay=False, readable=True, exists=True)
param.convert(filename, None, None)
if client.features.model == "1":
img = image_to_t1(filename)
img = image_to_tt(filename)
return device.apply_settings(client, homescreen=img)
"--always", is_flag=True, help='Persist the "prompt" setting across Trezor reboots.'
@click.argument("level", type=ChoiceType(SAFETY_LEVELS))
def safety_checks(client, always, level):
"""Set safety check level.
Set to "strict" to get the full Trezor security (default setting).
Set to "prompt" if you want to be able to allow potentially unsafe actions, such as
mismatching coin keys or extreme fees.
This is a power-user feature. Use with caution.
if always and level == messages.SafetyCheckLevel.PromptTemporarily:
level = messages.SafetyCheckLevel.PromptAlways
return device.apply_settings(client, safety_checks=level)
# passphrase operations
def passphrase():
"""Enable, disable or configure passphrase protection."""
# this exists in order to support command aliases for "enable-passphrase"
# and "disable-passphrase". Otherwise `passphrase` would just take an argument.
@click.option("-f/-F", "--force-on-device/--no-force-on-device", default=None)
def passphrase_enable(client, force_on_device: bool):
"""Enable passphrase."""
return device.apply_settings(
client, use_passphrase=True, passphrase_always_on_device=force_on_device
def passphrase_disable(client):
"""Disable passphrase."""
return device.apply_settings(client, use_passphrase=False)