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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import click
from .. import messages, sd_backup
from . import with_client
from ..client import TrezorClient"sd-backup")
def cli() -> None:
"""SD backup management commands."""
def check(client: "TrezorClient") -> messages.SdCardBackupHealth:
"""Check health of SD backup."""
return sd_backup.check(client)
def refresh(client: "TrezorClient") -> messages.Success:
"""Refresh data on the SD backup card."""
return sd_backup.refresh(client)
def wipe(client: "TrezorClient") -> messages.Success:
"""Wipe the backup from SD card !!!CAUTION: IRREVERSIBLE OPERATION!!!"""
return sd_backup.wipe(client)
def copy(client: "TrezorClient") -> messages.Success | messages.Failure:
"""Copy a backup SD card to another SD card."""
return sd_backup.copy(client)