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from micropython import const
from ubinascii import hexlify
from trezor import config
from trezor.crypto import random
from apps.common import cache
# fmt: off
_APP = const(0x01) # app namespace
_DEVICE_ID = const(0x00) # bytes
_VERSION = const(0x01) # int
_MNEMONIC = const(0x02) # str
_LANGUAGE = const(0x03) # str
_LABEL = const(0x04) # str
_USE_PASSPHRASE = const(0x05) # bool (0x01 or empty)
_HOMESCREEN = const(0x06) # bytes
_NEEDS_BACKUP = const(0x07) # bool (0x01 or empty)
_FLAGS = const(0x08) # int
_U2F_COUNTER = const(0x09) # int
_PASSPHRASE_SOURCE = const(0x0A) # int
_UNFINISHED_BACKUP = const(0x0B) # bool (0x01 or empty)
_AUTOLOCK_DELAY_MS = const(0x0C) # int
# fmt: on
def _new_device_id() -> str:
return hexlify(random.bytes(12)).decode().upper()
def get_device_id() -> str:
dev_id = config.get(_APP, _DEVICE_ID, True).decode() # public
if not dev_id:
dev_id = _new_device_id()
config.set(_APP, _DEVICE_ID, dev_id.encode(), True) # public
return dev_id
def is_initialized() -> bool:
return bool(config.get(_APP, _VERSION))
def get_label() -> str:
return config.get(_APP, _LABEL, True).decode() # public
def get_mnemonic() -> str:
return config.get(_APP, _MNEMONIC).decode()
def has_passphrase() -> bool:
return bool(config.get(_APP, _USE_PASSPHRASE))
def get_homescreen() -> bytes:
return config.get(_APP, _HOMESCREEN, True) # public
def load_mnemonic(mnemonic: str, needs_backup: bool) -> None:
config.set(_APP, _MNEMONIC, mnemonic.encode())
if needs_backup:
config.set(_APP, _NEEDS_BACKUP, b'\x01')
config.set(_APP, _NEEDS_BACKUP, b'')
def needs_backup() -> bool:
return bool(config.get(_APP, _NEEDS_BACKUP))
def set_backed_up() -> None:
config.set(_APP, _NEEDS_BACKUP, b'')
def unfinished_backup() -> bool:
return bool(config.get(_APP, _UNFINISHED_BACKUP))
def set_unfinished_backup(state: bool) -> None:
if state:
config.set(_APP, _UNFINISHED_BACKUP, b'\x01')
config.set(_APP, _UNFINISHED_BACKUP, b'')
def get_passphrase_source() -> int:
b = config.get(_APP, _PASSPHRASE_SOURCE)
if b == b'\x01':
return 1
elif b == b'\x02':
return 2
return 0
def load_settings(label: str=None, use_passphrase: bool=None, homescreen: bytes=None, passphrase_source: int=None) -> None:
if label is not None:
config.set(_APP, _LABEL, label.encode(), True) # public
if use_passphrase is True:
config.set(_APP, _USE_PASSPHRASE, b'\x01')
if use_passphrase is False:
config.set(_APP, _USE_PASSPHRASE, b'')
if homescreen is not None:
if homescreen[:8] == b'TOIf\x90\x00\x90\x00':
if len(homescreen) <= HOMESCREEN_MAXSIZE:
config.set(_APP, _HOMESCREEN, homescreen, True) # public
config.set(_APP, _HOMESCREEN, b'', True) # public
if passphrase_source is not None:
if passphrase_source in [0, 1, 2]:
config.set(_APP, _PASSPHRASE_SOURCE, bytes([passphrase_source]))
def get_flags() -> int:
b = config.get(_APP, _FLAGS)
if b is None:
return 0
return int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
def set_flags(flags: int) -> None:
b = config.get(_APP, _FLAGS)
if b is None:
b = 0
b = int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
flags = (flags | b) & 0xFFFFFFFF
if flags != b:
config.set(_APP, _FLAGS, flags.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
def get_autolock_delay_ms() -> int:
b = config.get(_APP, _AUTOLOCK_DELAY_MS)
if b is None:
return 10 * 60 * 1000
return int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
def set_autolock_delay_ms(delay_ms: int) -> None:
if delay_ms < 60 * 1000:
delay_ms = 60 * 1000
config.set(_APP, _AUTOLOCK_DELAY_MS, delay_ms.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
def next_u2f_counter() -> int:
b = config.get(_APP, _U2F_COUNTER)
if b is None:
b = 0
b = int.from_bytes(b, 'big') + 1
return b
def set_u2f_counter(cntr: int):
config.set(_APP, _U2F_COUNTER, cntr.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
def wipe():