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Output destinations are streamed one by one.
Computes destination one-time address, amount key, range proof + HMAC, out_pk, ecdh_info.
import gc
from trezor import utils
from .state import State
from apps.monero import signing
from apps.monero.layout import confirms
from apps.monero.signing import RsigType, offloading_keys
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto, serialize
async def set_output(state: State, dst_entr, dst_entr_hmac, rsig_data):
state.mem_trace(0, True)
mods = utils.unimport_begin()
await confirms.transaction_step(
state.ctx, state.STEP_OUT, state.current_output_index + 1, state.output_count
state.current_output_index += 1
state.mem_trace(2, True)
await _validate(state, dst_entr, dst_entr_hmac)
# First output - we include the size of the container into the tx prefix hasher
if state.current_output_index == 0:
state.mem_trace(4, True)
state.summary_outs_money += dst_entr.amount
state.mem_trace(5, True)
# Range proof first, memory intensive
rsig, mask = _range_proof(state, dst_entr.amount, rsig_data)
state.mem_trace(6, True)
# additional tx key if applicable
additional_txkey_priv = _set_out_additional_keys(state, dst_entr)
# derivation = a*R or r*A or s*C
derivation = _set_out_derivation(state, dst_entr, additional_txkey_priv)
# amount key = H_s(derivation || i)
amount_key = crypto.derivation_to_scalar(derivation, state.current_output_index)
# one-time destination address P = H_s(derivation || i)*G + B
tx_out_key = crypto.derive_public_key(
del (derivation, additional_txkey_priv)
state.mem_trace(7, True)
# Tx header prefix hashing, hmac dst_entr
tx_out_bin, hmac_vouti = await _set_out_tx_out(state, dst_entr, tx_out_key)
state.mem_trace(11, True)
out_pk_dest, out_pk_commitment, ecdh_info_bin = _get_ecdh_info_and_out_pk(
del (dst_entr, mask, amount_key, tx_out_key)
state.mem_trace(12, True)
# Incremental hashing of the ECDH info.
# RctSigBase allows to hash only one of the (ecdh, out_pk) as they are serialized
# as whole vectors. We choose to hash ECDH first, because it saves state space.
state.mem_trace(13, True)
# output_pk_commitment is stored to the state as it is used during the signature and hashed to the
# RctSigBase later. No need to store amount, it was already stored.
state.mem_trace(14, True)
from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck import (
out_pk_bin = bytearray(64)
utils.memcpy(out_pk_bin, 0, out_pk_dest, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(out_pk_bin, 32, out_pk_commitment, 0, 32)
return MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck(
async def _validate(state: State, dst_entr, dst_entr_hmac):
if state.current_input_index + 1 != state.input_count:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of inputs")
if state.current_output_index >= state.output_count:
raise ValueError("Invalid output index")
if dst_entr.amount <= 0:
raise ValueError("Destination with wrong amount: %s" % dst_entr.amount)
# HMAC check of the destination
dst_entr_hmac_computed = await offloading_keys.gen_hmac_tsxdest(
state.key_hmac, dst_entr, state.current_output_index
if not crypto.ct_equals(dst_entr_hmac, dst_entr_hmac_computed):
raise ValueError("HMAC invalid")
del (dst_entr_hmac, dst_entr_hmac_computed)
state.mem_trace(3, True)
async def _set_out_tx_out(state: State, dst_entr, tx_out_key):
Manually serializes TxOut(0, TxoutToKey(key)) and calculates hmac.
tx_out_bin = bytearray(34)
tx_out_bin[0] = 0 # amount varint
tx_out_bin[1] = 2 # variant code TxoutToKey
crypto.encodepoint_into(tx_out_bin, tx_out_key, 2)
# Tx header prefix hashing
state.mem_trace(9, True)
# Hmac dst_entr
hmac_vouti = await offloading_keys.gen_hmac_vouti(
state.key_hmac, dst_entr, tx_out_bin, state.current_output_index
state.mem_trace(10, True)
return tx_out_bin, hmac_vouti
def _range_proof(state, amount, rsig_data):
Computes rangeproof
In order to optimize incremental transaction build, the mask computation is changed compared
to the official Monero code. In the official code, the input pedersen commitments are computed
after range proof in such a way summed masks for commitments (alpha) and rangeproofs (ai) are equal.
In order to save roundtrips we compute commitments randomly and then for the last rangeproof
a[63] = (\\sum_{i=0}^{num_inp}alpha_i - \\sum_{i=0}^{num_outs-1} amasks_i) - \\sum_{i=0}^{62}a_i
The range proof is incrementally hashed to the final_message.
from apps.monero.xmr import range_signatures
mask = state.output_masks[state.current_output_index]
provided_rsig = None
if rsig_data and rsig_data.rsig and len(rsig_data.rsig) > 0:
provided_rsig = rsig_data.rsig
if not state.rsig_offload and provided_rsig:
raise signing.Error("Provided unexpected rsig")
# Batching
bidx = _get_rsig_batch(state, state.current_output_index)
batch_size = state.rsig_grouping[bidx]
last_in_batch = _is_last_in_batch(state, state.current_output_index, bidx)
if state.rsig_offload and provided_rsig and not last_in_batch:
raise signing.Error("Provided rsig too early")
if state.rsig_offload and last_in_batch and not provided_rsig:
raise signing.Error("Rsig expected, not provided")
# Batch not finished, skip range sig generation now
if not last_in_batch:
return None, mask
# Rangeproof
# Pedersen commitment on the value, mask from the commitment, range signature.
C, rsig = None, None
state.mem_trace("pre-rproof" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
if state.rsig_type == RsigType.Bulletproof and not state.rsig_offload:
"""Bulletproof calculation in trezor"""
rsig = range_signatures.prove_range_bp_batch(
state.output_amounts, state.output_masks
state.mem_trace("post-bp" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
# Incremental BP hashing
# BP is hashed with raw=False as hash does not contain L, R
# array sizes compared to the serialized bulletproof format
# thus direct serialization cannot be used.
state.full_message_hasher.rsig_val(rsig, True, raw=False)
state.mem_trace("post-bp-hash" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
rsig = _dump_rsig_bp(rsig)
"post-bp-ser, size: %s" % len(rsig) if __debug__ else None, collect=True
elif state.rsig_type == RsigType.Borromean and not state.rsig_offload:
"""Borromean calculation in trezor"""
C, mask, rsig = range_signatures.prove_range_borromean(amount, mask)
del range_signatures
# Incremental hashing
state.full_message_hasher.rsig_val(rsig, False, raw=True)
_check_out_commitment(state, amount, mask, C)
elif state.rsig_type == RsigType.Bulletproof and state.rsig_offload:
"""Bulletproof calculated on host, verify in trezor"""
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_rsig_bulletproof import Bulletproof
# TODO this should be tested
# last_in_batch = True (see above) so this is fine
masks = state.output_masks[
1 + state.current_output_index - batch_size : 1 + state.current_output_index
bp_obj = serialize.parse_msg(rsig_data.rsig, Bulletproof)
rsig_data.rsig = None
# BP is hashed with raw=False as hash does not contain L, R
# array sizes compared to the serialized bulletproof format
# thus direct serialization cannot be used.
state.full_message_hasher.rsig_val(bp_obj, True, raw=False)
res = range_signatures.verify_bp(bp_obj, state.output_amounts, masks)
utils.ensure(res, "BP verification fail")
state.mem_trace("BP verified" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
del (bp_obj, range_signatures)
elif state.rsig_type == RsigType.Borromean and state.rsig_offload:
"""Borromean offloading not supported"""
raise signing.Error(
"Unsupported rsig state (Borromean offloaded is not supported)"
raise signing.Error("Unexpected rsig state")
state.mem_trace("rproof" if __debug__ else None, collect=True)
if state.current_output_index + 1 == state.output_count:
# output masks and amounts are not needed anymore
state.output_amounts = []
state.output_masks = []
return rsig, mask
def _dump_rsig_bp(rsig):
if len(rsig.L) > 127:
raise ValueError("Too large")
# Manual serialization as the generic purpose serialize.dump_msg_gc
# is more memory intensive which is not desired in the range proof section.
# BP: V, A, S, T1, T2, taux, mu, L, R, a, b, t
# Commitment vector V is not serialized
# Vector size under 127 thus varint occupies 1 B
buff_size = 32 * (9 + 2 * (len(rsig.L))) + 2
buff = bytearray(buff_size)
utils.memcpy(buff, 0, rsig.A, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32, rsig.S, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 2, rsig.T1, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 3, rsig.T2, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 4, rsig.taux, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(buff, 32 * 5,, 0, 32)
buff[32 * 6] = len(rsig.L)
offset = 32 * 6 + 1
for x in rsig.L:
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, x, 0, 32)
offset += 32
buff[offset] = len(rsig.R)
offset += 1
for x in rsig.R:
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, x, 0, 32)
offset += 32
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, rsig.a, 0, 32)
offset += 32
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, rsig.b, 0, 32)
offset += 32
utils.memcpy(buff, offset, rsig.t, 0, 32)
return buff
def _return_rsig_data(rsig):
if rsig is None:
return None
from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionRsigData import MoneroTransactionRsigData
if isinstance(rsig, list):
return MoneroTransactionRsigData(rsig_parts=rsig)
return MoneroTransactionRsigData(rsig=rsig)
def _get_ecdh_info_and_out_pk(state: State, tx_out_key, amount, mask, amount_key):
Calculates the Pedersen commitment C = aG + bH and returns it as CtKey.
Also encodes the two items - `mask` and `amount` - into ecdh info,
so the recipient is able to reconstruct the commitment.
out_pk_dest = crypto.encodepoint(tx_out_key)
out_pk_commitment = crypto.encodepoint(crypto.gen_commitment(mask, amount))
state.sumout = crypto.sc_add(state.sumout, mask)
# masking of mask and amount
ecdh_info = _ecdh_encode(mask, amount, crypto.encodeint(amount_key))
# Manual ECDH info serialization
ecdh_info_bin = bytearray(64)
utils.memcpy(ecdh_info_bin, 0, ecdh_info.mask, 0, 32)
utils.memcpy(ecdh_info_bin, 32, ecdh_info.amount, 0, 32)
return out_pk_dest, out_pk_commitment, ecdh_info_bin
def _ecdh_encode(mask, amount, amount_key):
Output recipients need be able to reconstruct the amount commitments.
This means the blinding factor `mask` and `amount` must be communicated
to the receiver somehow.
The mask and amount are stored as:
- mask = mask + Hs(amount_key)
- amount = amount + Hs(Hs(amount_key))
Because the receiver can derive the `amount_key` they can
easily derive both mask and amount as well.
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple
ecdh_info = EcdhTuple(mask=mask, amount=crypto.sc_init(amount))
amount_key_hash_single = crypto.hash_to_scalar(amount_key)
amount_key_hash_double = crypto.hash_to_scalar(
ecdh_info.mask = crypto.sc_add(ecdh_info.mask, amount_key_hash_single)
ecdh_info.amount = crypto.sc_add(ecdh_info.amount, amount_key_hash_double)
return _recode_ecdh(ecdh_info)
def _recode_ecdh(ecdh_info):
In-place ecdh_info tuple recoding
ecdh_info.mask = crypto.encodeint(ecdh_info.mask)
ecdh_info.amount = crypto.encodeint(ecdh_info.amount)
return ecdh_info
def _set_out_additional_keys(state: State, dst_entr):
If needed (decided in step 1), additional tx keys are calculated
for this particular output.
if not state.need_additional_txkeys:
return None
additional_txkey_priv = crypto.random_scalar()
if dst_entr.is_subaddress:
# R=r*D
additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult(
crypto.decodepoint(dst_entr.addr.spend_public_key), additional_txkey_priv
# R=r*G
additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult_base(additional_txkey_priv)
return additional_txkey_priv
def _set_out_derivation(state: State, dst_entr, additional_txkey_priv):
Calculates derivation which is then used in the one-time address as
`P = H(derivation)*G + B`.
For change outputs the derivation equals a*R, because we know the
private view key. For others it is either `r*A` for traditional
addresses, or `s*C` for subaddresses. Both `r` and `s` are random
scalars, `s` is used in the context of subaddresses, but it's
basically the same thing.
from apps.monero.xmr.addresses import addr_eq
change_addr = state.change_address()
if change_addr and addr_eq(dst_entr.addr, change_addr):
# sending change to yourself; derivation = a*R
derivation = crypto.generate_key_derivation(
state.tx_pub, state.creds.view_key_private
# sending to the recipient; derivation = r*A (or s*C in the subaddress scheme)
if dst_entr.is_subaddress and state.need_additional_txkeys:
deriv_priv = additional_txkey_priv
deriv_priv = state.tx_priv
derivation = crypto.generate_key_derivation(
crypto.decodepoint(dst_entr.addr.view_public_key), deriv_priv
return derivation
def _check_out_commitment(state: State, amount, mask, C):
crypto.point_add(crypto.scalarmult_base(mask), crypto.scalarmult_h(amount)),
"OutC fail",
def _is_last_in_batch(state: State, idx, bidx):
Returns true if the current output is last in the rsig batch
batch_size = state.rsig_grouping[bidx]
return (idx - sum(state.rsig_grouping[:bidx])) + 1 == batch_size
def _get_rsig_batch(state: State, idx):
Returns index of the current rsig batch
r = 0
c = 0
while c < idx + 1:
c += state.rsig_grouping[r]
r += 1
return r - 1