You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING # pyright: ignore[reportShadowedImports]
from trezor import log, loop, protobuf, workflow
from trezor.messages import ThpStartPairingRequest
from trezor.wire import message_handler, protocol_common
from trezor.wire.context import UnexpectedMessageWithId
from trezor.wire.errors import ActionCancelled
from trezor.wire.protocol_common import MessageWithType
from trezor.wire.thp.session_context import UnexpectedMessageWithType
from apps.thp.pairing import handle_pairing_request
from .channel import Channel
from typing import Container, Generator # pyright:ignore[reportShadowedImports]
class PairingContext:
def __init__(self, channel: Channel) -> None: = channel
self.incoming_message = loop.chan()
async def handle(self, is_debug_session: bool = False) -> None:
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "handle - start")
if is_debug_session:
import apps.debug
apps.debug.DEBUG_CONTEXT = self
take = self.incoming_message.take()
next_message: MessageWithType | None = None
while True:
if next_message is None:
# If the previous run did not keep an unprocessed message for us,
# wait for a new one.
message: MessageWithType = await take
except protocol_common.WireError as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
await self.write(message_handler.failure(e))
# Process the message from previous run.
message = next_message
next_message = None
next_message = await handle_pairing_message(
self, message, use_workflow=not is_debug_session
except Exception as exc:
# Log and ignore. The session handler can only exit explicitly in the
# following finally block.
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, exc)
if not __debug__ or not is_debug_session:
# Unload modules imported by the workflow. Should not raise.
# This is not done for the debug session because the snapshot taken
# in a debug session would clear modules which are in use by the
# workflow running on wire.
# TODO utils.unimport_end(modules)
if next_message is None:
# Shut down the loop if there is no next message waiting.
return # pylint: disable=lost-exception
except Exception as exc:
# Log and try again. The session handler can only exit explicitly via
# loop.clear() above.
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, exc)
async def read(
expected_types: Container[int],
expected_type: type[protobuf.MessageType] | None = None,
) -> protobuf.MessageType:
if __debug__:
exp_type: str = str(expected_type)
if expected_type is not None:
exp_type = expected_type.MESSAGE_NAME
"Read - with expected types %s and expected type %s",
message: MessageWithType = await self.incoming_message.take()
if message.type not in expected_types:
raise UnexpectedMessageWithType(message)
if expected_type is None:
expected_type = protobuf.type_for_wire(message.type)
return message_handler.wrap_protobuf_load(, expected_type)
async def write(self, msg: protobuf.MessageType) -> None:
return await
async def handle_pairing_message(
ctx: PairingContext, msg: protocol_common.MessageWithType, use_workflow: bool
) -> protocol_common.MessageWithType | None:
res_msg: protobuf.MessageType | None = None
# We need to find a handler for this message type. Should not raise.
# TODO register handlers to dict
handler = get_handler(msg.type) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
if handler is None:
# If no handler is found, we can skip decoding and directly
# respond with failure.
await ctx.write(message_handler.unexpected_message())
return None
if msg.type in workflow.ALLOW_WHILE_LOCKED:
workflow.autolock_interrupts_workflow = False
# Here we make sure we always respond with a Failure response
# in case of any errors.
# Find a protobuf.MessageType subclass that describes this
# message. Raises if the type is not found.
req_type = protobuf.type_for_wire(msg.type)
# Try to decode the message according to schema from
# `req_type`. Raises if the message is malformed.
req_msg = message_handler.wrap_protobuf_load(, req_type)
# Create the handler task.
assert isinstance(req_msg, ThpStartPairingRequest) # TODO remove
task = handler(, req_msg)
# Run the workflow task. Workflow can do more on-the-wire
# communication inside, but it should eventually return a
# response message, or raise an exception (a rather common
# thing to do). Exceptions are handled in the code below.
if use_workflow:
# Spawn a workflow around the task. This ensures that concurrent
# workflows are shut down.
res_msg = await workflow.spawn(with_context(ctx, task))
pass # TODO
# For debug messages, ignore workflow processing and just await
# results of the handler.
res_msg = await task
except UnexpectedMessageWithId as exc:
# Workflow was trying to read a message from the wire, and
# something unexpected came in. See for
# example, which expects some particular message and raises
# UnexpectedMessage if another one comes in.
# In order not to lose the message, we return it to the caller.
# We might handle only the few common cases here, like
# Initialize and Cancel.
return exc.msg
except BaseException as exc:
# Either:
# - the message had a type that has a registered handler, but does not have
# a protobuf class
# - the message was not valid protobuf
# - workflow raised some kind of an exception while running
# - something canceled the workflow from the outside
if __debug__:
if isinstance(exc, ActionCancelled):
log.debug(__name__, "cancelled: %s", exc.message)
elif isinstance(exc, loop.TaskClosed):
log.debug(__name__, "cancelled: loop task was closed")
log.exception(__name__, exc)
res_msg = message_handler.failure(exc)
if res_msg is not None:
# perform the write outside the big try-except block, so that usb write
# problem bubbles up
await ctx.write(res_msg)
return None
def get_handler(messageType: int):
return handle_pairing_request
def with_context(ctx: PairingContext, workflow: loop.Task) -> Generator:
"""Run a workflow in a particular context.
Stores the context in a closure and installs it into the global variable every time
the closure is resumed, thus making sure that all calls to `wire.context.*` will
work as expected.
send_val = None
send_exc = None
while True:
if send_exc is not None:
res = workflow.throw(send_exc)
res = workflow.send(send_val)
except StopIteration as st:
return st.value
send_val = yield res
except BaseException as e:
send_exc = e
send_exc = None