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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar, Union
T = TypeVar("T")
XT = TypeVar("XT", bound="XmrType")
ST = TypeVar("ST", bound="XmrStructuredType")
XmrFieldType = Union[
tuple[str, XT],
tuple[str, ST, XT],
XmrFspec = tuple[XmrFieldType, ...]
class Writer(Protocol):
def write(self, __data: bytes) -> None: ...
class Reader(Protocol):
def readinto(self, __buffer: bytearray | memoryview) -> int: ...
class XmrType(Protocol[T]):
def load(self, __reader: Reader) -> T: ...
def dump(self, __writer: Writer, __value: T) -> None: ...
class XmrStructuredType(XmrType):
def f_specs(self) -> XmrFspec: ...
class UVarintType:
def load(reader: Reader) -> int:
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize.int_serialize import load_uvarint
return load_uvarint(reader)
def dump(writer: Writer, n: int) -> None:
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize.int_serialize import dump_uvarint
return dump_uvarint(writer, n)