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UTXOs are sent one by one to Trezor for processing, encoded as MoneroTransactionSourceEntry.
MoneroTransactionSourceEntry contains the actual UTXO to be spent, but also the other decoy/mixin
outputs. So all the outputs are in one list and then the `real_output` index specifies which output
is the real one to be spent.
This step computes spending secret key, key image,[i] + HMAC, Pedersen commitment on amount.
If number of inputs is small, in-memory mode is used = alpha, pseudo_outs are kept in the Trezor.
Otherwise pseudo_outs are offloaded with HMAC, alpha is offloaded encrypted under chacha_poly with
key derived for exactly this purpose.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto_helpers
from trezor.messages import (
from apps.monero.layout import MoneroTransactionProgress
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto
from .state import State
def set_input(
state: State,
src_entr: MoneroTransactionSourceEntry,
progress: MoneroTransactionProgress,
) -> MoneroTransactionSetInputAck:
from trezor.messages import MoneroTransactionSetInputAck
from apps.monero.signing import offloading_keys
from apps.monero.xmr import chacha_poly, monero, serialize
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_prefix import TxinToKey
state.current_input_index += 1
current_input_index = state.current_input_index # local_cache_attribute
amount = src_entr.amount # local_cache_attribute
outputs = src_entr.outputs # local_cache_attribute
progress.step(state, state.STEP_INP, current_input_index)
if state.last_step > state.STEP_INP:
raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")
if current_input_index >= state.input_count:
raise ValueError("Too many inputs")
# real_output denotes which output in outputs is the real one (ours)
if src_entr.real_output >= len(outputs):
raise ValueError(
f"real_output index {src_entr.real_output} bigger than output_keys.size() {len(outputs)}"
state.summary_inputs_money += amount
# Secrets derivation
# the UTXO's one-time address P
out_key = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(
# the tx_pub of our UTXO stored inside its transaction
tx_key = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(src_entr.real_out_tx_key)
additional_tx_pub_key = _get_additional_public_key(src_entr)
# Calculates `derivation = Ra`, private spend key `x = H(Ra||i) + b` to be able
# to spend the UTXO; and key image `I = x*H(P||i)`
xi, ki, _di = monero.generate_tx_spend_and_key_image_and_derivation(
state.mem_trace(1, True)
# Construct
# If multisig is used then ki in vini should be
vini = TxinToKey(amount=amount, k_image=crypto_helpers.encodepoint(ki))
vini.key_offsets = _absolute_output_offsets_to_relative([x.idx for x in outputs])
if src_entr.rct:
vini.amount = 0
# Serialize `vini` with variant code for TxinToKey (prefix = 2).
# The binary `vini_bin` is later sent to step 4 and 9 with its hmac,
# where it is checked and directly used.
vini_bin = serialize.dump_msg(vini, preallocate=64, prefix=b"\x02")
state.mem_trace(2, True)
# HMAC(T_in,i || vin_i)
hmac_vini = offloading_keys.gen_hmac_vini(
state.key_hmac, src_entr, vini_bin, current_input_index
state.mem_trace(3, True)
# PseudoOuts commitment, alphas stored to state
alpha, pseudo_out = _gen_commitment(state, amount)
pseudo_out = crypto_helpers.encodepoint(pseudo_out)
# The alpha is encrypted and passed back for storage
pseudo_out_hmac = crypto_helpers.compute_hmac(
offloading_keys.hmac_key_txin_comm(state.key_hmac, current_input_index),
alpha_enc = chacha_poly.encrypt_pack(
offloading_keys.enc_key_txin_alpha(state.key_enc, current_input_index),
spend_enc = chacha_poly.encrypt_pack(
offloading_keys.enc_key_spend(state.key_enc, current_input_index),
state.last_step = state.STEP_INP
if current_input_index + 1 == state.input_count:
# When we finish the inputs processing, we no longer need
# the precomputed subaddresses so we clear them to save memory.
state.subaddresses = None
state.input_last_amount = amount
return MoneroTransactionSetInputAck(
def _gen_commitment(state: State, in_amount: int) -> tuple[crypto.Scalar, crypto.Point]:
Computes Pedersen commitment - pseudo outs
Here is slight deviation from the original protocol.
We want that \\sum Alpha = \\sum A_{i,j} where A_{i,j} is a mask from range proof for output i, bit j.
Previously this was computed in such a way that Alpha_{last} = \\sum A{i,j} - \\sum_{i=0}^{last-1} Alpha
But we would prefer to compute commitment before range proofs so alphas are generated completely randomly
and the last A mask is computed in this special way.
Returns pseudo_out
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto
alpha = crypto.random_scalar()
state.sumpouts_alphas = crypto.sc_add_into(None, state.sumpouts_alphas, alpha)
return alpha, crypto.gen_commitment_into(None, alpha, in_amount)
def _absolute_output_offsets_to_relative(off: list[int]) -> list[int]:
Mixin outputs are specified in relative numbers. First index is absolute
and the rest is an offset of a previous one.
Helps with varint encoding size.
Example: absolute {7,11,15,20} is converted to {7,4,4,5}
if len(off) == 0:
return off
for i in range(len(off) - 1, 0, -1):
off[i] -= off[i - 1]
return off
def _get_additional_public_key(
src_entr: MoneroTransactionSourceEntry,
) -> crypto.Point | None:
additional_tx_keys = src_entr.real_out_additional_tx_keys # local_cache_attribute
additional_tx_pub_key = None
if len(additional_tx_keys) == 1: # compression
additional_tx_pub_key = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(additional_tx_keys[0])
elif additional_tx_keys:
if src_entr.real_output_in_tx_index >= len(additional_tx_keys):
raise ValueError("Wrong number of additional derivations")
additional_tx_pub_key = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(
return additional_tx_pub_key