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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor.enums import MoneroNetworkType
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain
from apps.common.paths import Bip32Path
from .xmr.credentials import AccountCreds
from .xmr.crypto import Scalar
def get_creds(
keychain: Keychain, address_n: Bip32Path, network_type: MoneroNetworkType
) -> AccountCreds:
from apps.monero.xmr import monero
from apps.monero.xmr.credentials import AccountCreds
node = keychain.derive(address_n)
key_seed = node.private_key()
spend_sec, _, view_sec, _ = monero.generate_monero_keys(key_seed)
creds = AccountCreds.new_wallet(view_sec, spend_sec, network_type)
return creds
def compute_tx_key(
spend_key_private: Scalar,
tx_prefix_hash: bytes,
salt: bytes,
rand_mult_num: Scalar,
) -> bytes:
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto, crypto_helpers
rand_inp = crypto.sc_add_into(None, spend_key_private, rand_mult_num)
passwd = crypto_helpers.keccak_2hash(
crypto_helpers.encodeint(rand_inp) + tx_prefix_hash
tx_key = crypto_helpers.compute_hmac(salt, passwd)
return tx_key
def compute_enc_key_host(
view_key_private: Scalar, tx_prefix_hash: bytes
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
from trezor.crypto import random
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto_helpers
salt = random.bytes(32)
passwd = crypto_helpers.keccak_2hash(
crypto_helpers.encodeint(view_key_private) + tx_prefix_hash
tx_key = crypto_helpers.compute_hmac(salt, passwd)
return tx_key, salt