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from micropython import const
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor.wire import DataError
from .. import writers
from trezor.messages import TxAckPaymentRequest, TxOutput
from apps.common import coininfo
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain
_MEMO_TYPE_TEXT = const(1)
_MEMO_TYPE_REFUND = const(2)
class PaymentRequestVerifier:
if __debug__:
# secp256k1 public key of m/0h for "all all ... all" seed.
PUBLIC_KEY = b"\x03\x0f\xdf^(\x9bZ\xefSb\x90\x95:\xe8\x1c\xe6\x0e\x84\x1f\xf9V\xf3f\xac\x12?\xa6\x9d\xb3\xc7\x9f!\xb0"
def __init__(
self, msg: TxAckPaymentRequest, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo, keychain: Keychain
) -> None:
from storage import cache
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.utils import HashWriter
from apps.common.address_mac import check_address_mac
from .. import writers # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self.h_outputs = HashWriter(sha256())
self.amount = 0
self.expected_amount = msg.amount
self.signature = msg.signature
self.h_pr = HashWriter(sha256())
if msg.nonce:
nonce = bytes(msg.nonce)
if cache.get(cache.APP_COMMON_NONCE) != nonce:
raise DataError("Invalid nonce in payment request.")
nonce = b""
if msg.memos:
DataError("Missing nonce in payment request.")
writers.write_bytes_fixed(self.h_pr, b"SL\x00\x24", 4)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_pr, nonce)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_pr, msg.recipient_name.encode())
writers.write_compact_size(self.h_pr, len(msg.memos))
for m in msg.memos:
if m.text_memo is not None:
memo = m.text_memo
writers.write_uint32(self.h_pr, _MEMO_TYPE_TEXT)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_pr, memo.text.encode())
elif m.refund_memo is not None:
memo = m.refund_memo
# Unlike in a coin purchase memo, the coin type is implied by the payment request.
check_address_mac(memo.address, memo.mac, coin.slip44, keychain)
writers.write_uint32(self.h_pr, _MEMO_TYPE_REFUND)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_pr, memo.address.encode())
elif m.coin_purchase_memo is not None:
memo = m.coin_purchase_memo
check_address_mac(memo.address, memo.mac, memo.coin_type, keychain)
writers.write_uint32(self.h_pr, _MEMO_TYPE_COIN_PURCHASE)
writers.write_uint32(self.h_pr, memo.coin_type)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_pr, memo.amount.encode())
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_pr, memo.address.encode())
writers.write_uint32(self.h_pr, coin.slip44)
def verify(self) -> None:
from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1
if self.expected_amount is not None and self.amount != self.expected_amount:
raise DataError("Invalid amount in payment request.")
hash_outputs = writers.get_tx_hash(self.h_outputs)
writers.write_bytes_fixed(self.h_pr, hash_outputs, 32)
if not secp256k1.verify(
self.PUBLIC_KEY, self.signature, self.h_pr.get_digest()
raise DataError("Invalid signature in payment request.")
def _add_output(self, txo: TxOutput) -> None:
# For change outputs txo.address filled in by output_derive_script().
assert txo.address is not None
writers.write_uint64(self.h_outputs, txo.amount)
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(self.h_outputs, txo.address.encode())
def add_external_output(self, txo: TxOutput) -> None:
self.amount += txo.amount
def add_change_output(self, txo: TxOutput) -> None: