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from micropython import const
_OMNI_DECIMALS = const(8)
currencies = {
3: ("MAID", 0),
def is_valid(data: bytes) -> bool:
return len(data) >= 8 and data[:4] == b"omni"
def parse(data: bytes) -> str:
from ustruct import unpack
from trezor import TR
from trezor.strings import format_amount
if not is_valid(data):
raise ValueError # tried to parse data that fails validation
tx_version, tx_type = unpack(">HH", data[4:8])
if tx_version == 0 and tx_type == 0 and len(data) == 20: # OMNI simple send
currency, amount = unpack(">IQ", data[8:20])
suffix, decimals = currencies.get(currency, ("UNKN", 0))
return (
f"{TR.bitcoin__simple_send_of} {format_amount(amount, decimals)} {suffix}"
# unknown OMNI transaction
return TR.bitcoin__unknown_transaction