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from micropython import const
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import utils
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto, crypto_helpers
from trezor.messages import (
_SECRET_LENGTH = const(32)
_INDEX_LENGTH = const(4)
def _build_key(
secret: bytes,
discriminator: bytes,
index: int | None = None,
out: bytes | None = None,
) -> bytes:
Creates an unique-purpose key
key_buff = _BUILD_KEY_BUFFER
utils.ensure(len(secret) == _SECRET_LENGTH, "Invalid key length")
utils.ensure(len(discriminator) <= _DISCRIMINATOR_LENGTH, "Disc too long")
utils.memcpy(key_buff, 0, secret, 0, _SECRET_LENGTH)
for i in range(_SECRET_LENGTH, len(key_buff)):
key_buff[i] = 0
utils.memcpy(key_buff, offset, discriminator, 0, len(discriminator))
offset += _DISCRIMINATOR_LENGTH # fixed domain separator size
if index is not None:
# dump_uvarint_b_into, saving import
shifted = True
while shifted:
shifted = index >> 7
key_buff[offset] = (index & 0x7F) | (0x80 if shifted else 0x00)
offset += 1
index = shifted
return crypto_helpers.keccak_2hash(key_buff, out)
def hmac_key_txin(key_hmac: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
(TxSourceEntry[i] ||[i]) hmac key
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txin", idx)
def hmac_key_txin_comm(key_hmac: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
pseudo_outputs[i] hmac key. Pedersen commitment for inputs.
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txin-comm", idx)
def hmac_key_txdst(key_hmac: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
TxDestinationEntry[i] hmac key
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txdest", idx)
def hmac_key_txout(key_hmac: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
(TxDestinationEntry[i] || tx.vout[i]) hmac key
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txout", idx)
def hmac_key_txout_asig(key_hmac: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
rsig[i] hmac key. Range signature HMAC
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txout-asig", idx)
def enc_key_txin_alpha(key_enc: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
Chacha20Poly1305 encryption key for alpha[i] used in Pedersen commitment in pseudo_outs[i]
return _build_key(key_enc, b"txin-alpha", idx)
def enc_key_spend(key_enc: bytes, idx: int) -> bytes:
Chacha20Poly1305 encryption key for alpha[i] used in Pedersen commitment in pseudo_outs[i]
return _build_key(key_enc, b"txin-spend", idx)
def enc_key_cout(key_enc: bytes, idx: int | None = None) -> bytes:
Chacha20Poly1305 encryption key for multisig C values from MLASG.
return _build_key(key_enc, b"cout", idx)
def key_signature(master: bytes, idx: int, is_iv: bool = False) -> bytes:
Generates signature offloading related offloading keys
return _build_key(master, b"sig-iv" if is_iv else b"sig-key", idx)
def det_comm_masks(key_enc: bytes, idx: int) -> crypto.Scalar:
Deterministic output commitment masks
return crypto_helpers.decodeint(_build_key(key_enc, b"out-mask", idx))
def gen_hmac_vini(
key: bytes, src_entr: MoneroTransactionSourceEntry, vini_bin: bytes, idx: int
) -> bytes:
Computes hmac (TxSourceEntry[i] ||[i])
In src_entr.outputs only src_entr.outputs[src_entr.real_output]
is HMACed as it is used across the protocol. Consistency of
other values across the protocol is not required as they are
used only once and hard to check. I.e., indices in step 2
are uncheckable, decoy keys in step 9 are just random keys.
from trezor import protobuf
from apps.monero.xmr.keccak_hasher import get_keccak_writer
kwriter = get_keccak_writer()
real_outputs = src_entr.outputs
real_additional = src_entr.real_out_additional_tx_keys
src_entr.outputs = [src_entr.outputs[src_entr.real_output]]
if real_additional and len(real_additional) > 1:
src_entr.real_out_additional_tx_keys = [
src_entr.outputs = real_outputs
src_entr.real_out_additional_tx_keys = real_additional
hmac_key_vini = hmac_key_txin(key, idx)
hmac_vini = crypto_helpers.compute_hmac(hmac_key_vini, kwriter.get_digest())
return hmac_vini
def gen_hmac_vouti(
key: bytes, dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry, tx_out_bin: bytes, idx: int
) -> bytes:
Generates HMAC for (TxDestinationEntry[i] || tx.vout[i])
from trezor import protobuf
from apps.monero.xmr.keccak_hasher import get_keccak_writer
kwriter = get_keccak_writer()
hmac_key_vouti = hmac_key_txout(key, idx)
hmac_vouti = crypto_helpers.compute_hmac(hmac_key_vouti, kwriter.get_digest())
return hmac_vouti
def gen_hmac_tsxdest(
key: bytes, dst_entr: MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry, idx: int
) -> bytes:
Generates HMAC for TxDestinationEntry[i]
from trezor import protobuf
from apps.monero.xmr.keccak_hasher import get_keccak_writer
kwriter = get_keccak_writer()
hmac_key = hmac_key_txdst(key, idx)
hmac_tsxdest = crypto_helpers.compute_hmac(hmac_key, kwriter.get_digest())
return hmac_tsxdest
def get_ki_from_vini(vini_bin: bytes) -> bytes:
Returns key image from the TxinToKey, which is currently
serialized as the last 32 bytes.
return bytes(vini_bin[-32:])