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import gc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import log, wire
from trezor.crypto import random
from trezor.messages import (
from apps.common import paths
from apps.common.keychain import auto_keychain
from apps.monero import layout, misc
from apps.monero.xmr import chacha_poly, crypto, crypto_helpers, key_image, monero
from trezor.messages import MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain
from .xmr.credentials import AccountCreds
async def key_image_sync(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest, keychain: Keychain
) -> MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck:
state = KeyImageSync()
res = await _init_step(state, ctx, msg, keychain)
while state.current_output + 1 < state.num_outputs:
step = await, MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest)
res = await _sync_step(state, ctx, step)
await, MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest)
res = await _final_step(state, ctx)
return res
class KeyImageSync:
def __init__(self):
self.current_output = -1
self.num_outputs = 0
self.expected_hash = b""
self.enc_key = b""
self.creds: AccountCreds | None = None
self.subaddresses = {}
self.hasher = crypto_helpers.get_keccak()
async def _init_step(
s: KeyImageSync,
ctx: wire.Context,
msg: MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest,
keychain: Keychain,
) -> MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck:
await paths.validate_path(ctx, keychain, msg.address_n)
s.creds = misc.get_creds(keychain, msg.address_n, msg.network_type)
await layout.require_confirm_keyimage_sync(ctx)
s.num_outputs = msg.num
s.expected_hash = msg.hash
s.enc_key = random.bytes(32)
for sub in msg.subs:
s.creds, sub.account, sub.minor_indices, s.subaddresses
return MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck()
async def _sync_step(
s: KeyImageSync, ctx: wire.Context, tds: MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest
) -> MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck:
assert s.creds is not None
if not tds.tdis:
raise wire.DataError("Empty")
kis = []
buff = bytearray(32 * 3)
buff_mv = memoryview(buff)
await layout.keyimage_sync_step(ctx, s.current_output, s.num_outputs)
for td in tds.tdis:
s.current_output += 1
if s.current_output >= s.num_outputs:
raise wire.DataError("Too many outputs")
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "ki_sync, step i: %d", s.current_output)
# Update the control hash
# Compute keyimage + signature
ki, sig = key_image.export_key_image(s.creds, s.subaddresses, td)
# Serialize into buff
crypto.encodepoint_into(buff_mv[0:32], ki)
crypto.encodeint_into(buff_mv[32:64], sig[0][0])
crypto.encodeint_into(buff_mv[64:], sig[0][1])
# Encrypt with enc_key
nonce, ciph, _ = chacha_poly.encrypt(s.enc_key, buff)
kis.append(MoneroExportedKeyImage(iv=nonce, blob=ciph))
return MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck(kis=kis)
async def _final_step(s, ctx: wire.Context) -> MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck:
if s.current_output + 1 != s.num_outputs:
raise wire.DataError("Invalid number of outputs")
final_hash = s.hasher.digest()
if final_hash != s.expected_hash:
raise wire.DataError("Invalid number of outputs")
return MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck(enc_key=s.enc_key)