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from trezor import wire
from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha3_256
from trezor.messages.Success import Success
from trezor.ui.text import Text
from apps.common.confirm import require_confirm
from apps.common.layout import split_address
from apps.common.signverify import split_message
from apps.ethereum.address import address_from_bytes, bytes_from_address
from apps.ethereum.sign_message import message_digest
async def verify_message(ctx, msg):
digest = message_digest(msg.message)
if len(msg.signature) != 65:
raise wire.DataError("Invalid signature")
sig = bytearray([msg.signature[64]]) + msg.signature[:64]
pubkey = secp256k1.verify_recover(sig, digest)
if not pubkey:
raise wire.DataError("Invalid signature")
pkh = sha3_256(pubkey[1:], keccak=True).digest()[-20:]
address_bytes = bytes_from_address(msg.address)
if address_bytes != pkh:
raise wire.DataError("Invalid signature")
address = address_from_bytes(address_bytes)
await require_confirm_verify_message(ctx, address, msg.message)
return Success(message="Message verified")
async def require_confirm_verify_message(ctx, address, message):
text = Text("Confirm address", new_lines=False)
await require_confirm(ctx, text)
text = Text("Verify message", new_lines=False)
await require_confirm(ctx, text)