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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezorio import WireInterface
from trezor.wire import Handler, Msg
workflow_handlers: dict[int, Handler] = {}
def register(wire_type: int, handler: Handler[Msg]) -> None:
"""Register `handler` to get scheduled after `wire_type` message is received."""
workflow_handlers[wire_type] = handler
def _find_message_handler_module(msg_type: int) -> str:
"""Statically find the appropriate workflow handler.
For now, new messages must be registered by hand in the if-elif manner below.
The reason for this is memory fragmentation optimization:
- using a dict would mean that the whole thing stays in RAM, whereas an if-elif
sequence is run from flash
- collecting everything as strings instead of importing directly means that we don't
need to load any of the modules into memory until we actually need them
from trezor import utils
from trezor.enums import MessageType
# debug
if __debug__ and msg_type == MessageType.LoadDevice:
return "apps.debug.load_device"
# management
if msg_type == MessageType.ResetDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.BackupDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.WipeDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.RecoveryDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ApplySettings:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ChangeLanguage:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ApplyFlags:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ChangePin:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ChangeWipeCode:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.GetNonce:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.RebootToBootloader:
return ""
if utils.INTERNAL_MODEL in ("T2B1",) and msg_type == MessageType.ShowDeviceTutorial:
return ""
if utils.USE_SD_CARD and msg_type == MessageType.SdProtect:
return ""
if utils.USE_OPTIGA and msg_type == MessageType.AuthenticateDevice:
return ""
# bitcoin
if msg_type == MessageType.AuthorizeCoinJoin:
return "apps.bitcoin.authorize_coinjoin"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetPublicKey:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetAddress:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetOwnershipId:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_ownership_id"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetOwnershipProof:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_ownership_proof"
if msg_type == MessageType.SignTx:
return "apps.bitcoin.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.SignMessage:
return "apps.bitcoin.sign_message"
if msg_type == MessageType.VerifyMessage:
return "apps.bitcoin.verify_message"
# misc
if msg_type == MessageType.GetEntropy:
return "apps.misc.get_entropy"
if msg_type == MessageType.SignIdentity:
return "apps.misc.sign_identity"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetECDHSessionKey:
return "apps.misc.get_ecdh_session_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.CipherKeyValue:
return "apps.misc.cipher_key_value"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetFirmwareHash:
return "apps.misc.get_firmware_hash"
if msg_type == MessageType.CosiCommit:
return "apps.misc.cosi_commit"
if not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY:
if msg_type == MessageType.SetU2FCounter:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.GetNextU2FCounter:
return ""
# webauthn
if msg_type == MessageType.WebAuthnListResidentCredentials:
return "apps.webauthn.list_resident_credentials"
if msg_type == MessageType.WebAuthnAddResidentCredential:
return "apps.webauthn.add_resident_credential"
if msg_type == MessageType.WebAuthnRemoveResidentCredential:
return "apps.webauthn.remove_resident_credential"
# ethereum
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumGetAddress:
return "apps.ethereum.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumGetPublicKey:
return "apps.ethereum.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignTx:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignTxEIP1559:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_tx_eip1559"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignMessage:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_message"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumVerifyMessage:
return "apps.ethereum.verify_message"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignTypedData:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_typed_data"
# monero
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroGetAddress:
return "apps.monero.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroGetWatchKey:
return "apps.monero.get_watch_only"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroTransactionInitRequest:
return "apps.monero.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest:
return "apps.monero.key_image_sync"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroGetTxKeyRequest:
return "apps.monero.get_tx_keys"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroLiveRefreshStartRequest:
return "apps.monero.live_refresh"
if __debug__ and msg_type == MessageType.DebugMoneroDiagRequest:
return "apps.monero.diag"
# nem
if msg_type == MessageType.NEMGetAddress:
return "apps.nem.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.NEMSignTx:
return "apps.nem.sign_tx"
# stellar
if msg_type == MessageType.StellarGetAddress:
return "apps.stellar.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.StellarSignTx:
return "apps.stellar.sign_tx"
# ripple
if msg_type == MessageType.RippleGetAddress:
return "apps.ripple.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.RippleSignTx:
return "apps.ripple.sign_tx"
# cardano
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoGetAddress:
return "apps.cardano.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoGetPublicKey:
return "apps.cardano.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoSignTxInit:
return "apps.cardano.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoGetNativeScriptHash:
return "apps.cardano.get_native_script_hash"
# tezos
if msg_type == MessageType.TezosGetAddress:
return "apps.tezos.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.TezosSignTx:
return "apps.tezos.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.TezosGetPublicKey:
return "apps.tezos.get_public_key"
# eos
if msg_type == MessageType.EosGetPublicKey:
return "apps.eos.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.EosSignTx:
return "apps.eos.sign_tx"
# binance
if msg_type == MessageType.BinanceGetAddress:
return "apps.binance.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.BinanceGetPublicKey:
return "apps.binance.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.BinanceSignTx:
return "apps.binance.sign_tx"
# solana
if msg_type == MessageType.SolanaGetPublicKey:
return "apps.solana.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.SolanaGetAddress:
return "apps.solana.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.SolanaSignTx:
return "apps.solana.sign_tx"
raise ValueError
def find_registered_handler(iface: WireInterface, msg_type: int) -> Handler | None:
if msg_type in workflow_handlers:
# Message has a handler available, return it directly.
return workflow_handlers[msg_type]
modname = _find_message_handler_module(msg_type)
handler_name = modname[modname.rfind(".") + 1 :]
module = __import__(modname, None, None, (handler_name,), 0)
return getattr(module, handler_name)
except ValueError:
return None