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.syntax unified
.global reset_handler
.type reset_handler, STT_FUNC
// setup environment for subsequent stage of code
ldr r2, =0 // r2 - the word-sized value to be written
ldr r0, =sram1_start // r0 - point to beginning of SRAM
ldr r1, =sram1_end // r1 - point to byte after the end of SRAM
str r2, [r0], #4
cmp r0, r1
bne sram1_loop
ldr r0, =sram2_start // r0 - point to beginning of SRAM
ldr r1, =sram2_end // r1 - point to byte after the end of SRAM
str r2, [r0], #4
cmp r0, r1
bne sram2_loop
// copy data in from flash
ldr r0, =data_vma // dst addr
ldr r1, =data_lma // src addr
ldr r2, =data_size // size in bytes
bl memcpy
// setup the stack protector (see build script "-fstack-protector-all") with an unpredictable value
ldr r0, =0xF1CD3A4D
ldr r1, = __stack_chk_guard
str r0, [r1]
// call static constructors
//bl __libc_init_array
reset: // just for the nice backtrace
// enter the application code
bl main
b loop_forever
// ================================================================
// The minimal vector table for unprivileged application
.section .vector_table,"a",%progbits
.word _estack
.word reset_handler