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synced 2025-03-12 14:16:06 +00:00

Update protobuf - Previous transactions don't need to be sent anymore, because fee is included in the transaction now. Thus transactions_count can be removed from CardanoSignTx message and the CardanoTxAck and CardanoTxRequest messages can be removed altogether. - CardanoTxInputType.type is unused so remove it Add NULL (None type) serialisation to CBOR - Transaction metada must either have a valid structure or CBOR NULL must be used (if metadata is empty) - it can't be simply left out. Add protocol_magics file - Just to have a nicer way of representing protocol magics Update transaction signing - Previous transactions no longer need to be requested - Output building is simplified, since fee doesn't need to be calculated - Remove transaction class since it is no longer needed (only functions remained) - Reorder functions so it reads top to bottom Add protocol magic to byron address on testnet - This has always been a part of the spec, but it hasn't been implemented before, because it wasn't really needed. Update trezorlib Update tests - Transaction messages are no longer required - Expected values are different since tx format changed - Common values in test cases have been extracted Remove unused file - Progress was used when receiving previous transactions Add CRC check to output address validation
93 lines
3.1 KiB
93 lines
3.1 KiB
from common import *
from apps.common.cbor import (
class TestCardanoCbor(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cbor_encoding(self):
test_vectors = [
# unsigned integers
(0, '00'),
(1, '01'),
(10, '0a'),
(23, '17'),
(24, '1818'),
(25, '1819'),
(100, '1864'),
(1000, '1903e8'),
(1000000, '1a000f4240'),
(1000000000000, '1b000000e8d4a51000'),
# negative integers
(-1, '20'),
(-10, '29'),
(-24, '37'),
(-25, '3818'),
(-26, '3819'),
(-100, '3863'),
(-1000, '3903E7'),
(-1000000, '3A000F423F'),
(-1000000000000, '3B000000E8D4A50FFF'),
# binary strings
(b'', '40'),
(unhexlify('01020304'), '4401020304'),
# text strings
('', '60'),
('Fun', '6346756e'),
(u'P\u0159\xed\u0161ern\u011b \u017elu\u0165ou\u010dk\xfd k\u016f\u0148 \xfap\u011bl \u010f\xe1belsk\xe9 \xf3dy z\xe1ke\u0159n\xfd u\u010de\u0148 b\u011b\u017e\xed pod\xe9l z\xf3ny \xfal\u016f', '786550c599c3adc5a165726ec49b20c5be6c75c5a56f75c48d6bc3bd206bc5afc58820c3ba70c49b6c20c48fc3a162656c736bc3a920c3b36479207ac3a16b65c5996ec3bd2075c48d65c5882062c49bc5bec3ad20706f64c3a96c207ac3b36e7920c3ba6cc5af'),
# tags
(Tagged(1, 1363896240), 'c11a514b67b0'),
(Tagged(23, unhexlify('01020304')), 'd74401020304'),
# arrays
([], '80'),
([1, 2, 3], '83010203'),
([1, [2, 3], [4, 5]], '8301820203820405'),
(list(range(1, 26)), '98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819'),
# maps
({}, 'a0'),
({1: 2, 3: 4}, 'a201020304'),
# indefinite
(IndefiniteLengthArray([]), '9fff'),
(IndefiniteLengthArray([1, [2, 3], [4, 5]]), '9f01820203820405ff'),
(IndefiniteLengthArray([1, [2, 3], IndefiniteLengthArray([4, 5])]),
# boolean
(True, 'f5'),
(False, 'f4'),
# null
(None, 'f6'),
for val, encoded in test_vectors:
self.assertEqual(unhexlify(encoded), encode(val))
self.assertEqual(val, decode(unhexlify(encoded)))
def test_cbor_tuples(self):
Tuples should be encoded as arrays and decoded back as lists.
test_vectors = [
([], '80'),
([1, 2, 3], '83010203'),
([1, [2, 3], [4, 5]], '8301820203820405'),
(list(range(1, 26)), '98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819'),
for val, encoded in test_vectors:
value_tuple = tuple(val)
self.assertEqual(unhexlify(encoded), encode(value_tuple))
self.assertEqual(val, decode(unhexlify(encoded)))
if __name__ == '__main__':