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72 lines
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from ustruct import pack, unpack
from trezor import wire
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.messages.ECDHSessionKey import ECDHSessionKey
from trezor.ui.text import Text
from trezor.utils import chunks
from apps.common import HARDENED
from apps.common.confirm import require_confirm
from apps.common.keychain import get_keychain
from .sign_identity import serialize_identity, serialize_identity_without_proto
async def get_ecdh_session_key(ctx, msg):
if msg.ecdsa_curve_name is None:
msg.ecdsa_curve_name = "secp256k1"
keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, msg.ecdsa_curve_name, [[]])
identity = serialize_identity(msg.identity)
await require_confirm_ecdh_session_key(ctx, msg.identity)
address_n = get_ecdh_path(identity, msg.identity.index or 0)
node = keychain.derive(address_n)
session_key = ecdh(
return ECDHSessionKey(session_key=session_key)
async def require_confirm_ecdh_session_key(ctx, identity):
lines = chunks(serialize_identity_without_proto(identity), 18)
proto = identity.proto.upper() if identity.proto else "identity"
text = Text("Decrypt %s" % proto)
await require_confirm(ctx, text)
def get_ecdh_path(identity: str, index: int):
identity_hash = sha256(pack("<I", index) + identity).digest()
address_n = (17,) + unpack("<IIII", identity_hash[:16])
address_n = [HARDENED | x for x in address_n]
return address_n
def ecdh(seckey: bytes, peer_public_key: bytes, curve: str) -> bytes:
if curve == "secp256k1":
from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1
session_key = secp256k1.multiply(seckey, peer_public_key)
elif curve == "nist256p1":
from trezor.crypto.curve import nist256p1
session_key = nist256p1.multiply(seckey, peer_public_key)
elif curve == "curve25519":
from trezor.crypto.curve import curve25519
if peer_public_key[0] != 0x40:
raise wire.DataError("Curve25519 public key should start with 0x40")
session_key = b"\x04" + curve25519.multiply(seckey, peer_public_key[1:])
raise wire.DataError("Unsupported curve for ECDH: " + curve)
return session_key