You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.0 KiB

import binascii
import urllib2
import json
from filecache import filecache, MONTH
def filecache(x):
def _inner(y):
return y
return _inner
MONTH = None
import types_pb2 as proto_types
def op_push(i):
if i<0x4c:
return chr(i)
elif i<0xff:
return '\x4c' + chr(i)
elif i<0xffff:
return '\x4d' + struct.pack("<H", i)
return '\x4e' + struct.pack("<I", i)
def opcode_serialize(opcode):
# TODO: this function supports just small subset of script for now (enough for most transactions)
if opcode == 'OP_DUP':
return '\x76'
if opcode == 'OP_HASH160':
return '\xa9'
if opcode == 'OP_EQUALVERIFY':
return '\x88'
if opcode == 'OP_CHECKSIG':
return '\xac'
# it's probably hex data
x = binascii.unhexlify(opcode)
return op_push(len(x)) + x
raise Exception('Unknown script opcode: %s' % opcode)
def bitcore_tx(url):
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data = json.load(f)
t = proto_types.TransactionType()
t.version = data['version']
t.lock_time = data['locktime']
for vin in data['vin']:
i = t.inputs.add()
i.prev_hash = binascii.unhexlify(vin['txid'])
i.prev_index = vin['vout']
asm = vin['scriptSig']['asm'].split(' ')
asm = [ opcode_serialize(x) for x in asm ]
i.script_sig = ''.join(asm)
for vout in data['vout']:
o = t.outputs.add()
o.amount = int(vout['value'] * 100000000)
asm = vout['scriptPubKey']['asm'].split(' ')
asm = [ opcode_serialize(x) for x in asm ]
o.script_pubkey = ''.join(asm)
return t
class TXAPIBitcoin(object):
def get_tx(self, txhash):
url = '' % txhash
return bitcore_tx(url)
class TXAPITestnet(object):
def get_tx(self, txhash):
url = '' % txhash
return bitcore_tx(url)