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126 lines
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from micropython import const
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.messages.TxInputType import TxInputType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputBinType import TxOutputBinType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputType import TxOutputType
from trezor.utils import ensure
from apps.common.writers import ( # noqa: F401
if False:
from typing import Union
from apps.common.writers import Writer
from trezor.utils import HashWriter
write_uint16 = write_uint16_le
write_uint32 = write_uint32_le
write_uint64 = write_uint64_le
TX_HASH_SIZE = const(32)
def write_bytes_prefixed(w: Writer, b: bytes) -> None:
write_varint(w, len(b))
write_bytes_unchecked(w, b)
def write_tx_input(w: Writer, i: TxInputType, script: bytes) -> None:
write_bytes_reversed(w, i.prev_hash, TX_HASH_SIZE)
write_uint32(w, i.prev_index)
write_bytes_prefixed(w, script)
write_uint32(w, i.sequence)
def write_tx_input_check(w: Writer, i: TxInputType) -> None:
write_bytes_fixed(w, i.prev_hash, TX_HASH_SIZE)
write_uint32(w, i.prev_index)
write_uint32(w, i.script_type)
write_uint32(w, len(i.address_n))
for n in i.address_n:
write_uint32(w, n)
write_uint32(w, i.sequence)
write_uint64(w, i.amount or 0)
def write_tx_input_decred(w: Writer, i: TxInputType) -> None:
write_bytes_reversed(w, i.prev_hash, TX_HASH_SIZE)
write_uint32(w, i.prev_index or 0)
write_uint8(w, i.decred_tree or 0)
write_uint32(w, i.sequence)
def write_tx_input_decred_witness(w: Writer, i: TxInputType, script_sig: bytes) -> None:
write_uint64(w, i.amount or 0)
write_uint32(w, 0) # block height fraud proof
write_uint32(w, 0xFFFFFFFF) # block index fraud proof
write_bytes_prefixed(w, script_sig)
def write_tx_output(
w: Writer, o: Union[TxOutputType, TxOutputBinType], script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
write_uint64(w, o.amount)
write_bytes_prefixed(w, script_pubkey)
def write_tx_output_decred(
w: Writer, o: Union[TxOutputType, TxOutputBinType], script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
write_uint64(w, o.amount)
write_uint16(w, o.decred_script_version)
write_bytes_prefixed(w, script_pubkey)
def write_op_push(w: Writer, n: int) -> None:
ensure(n >= 0 and n <= 0xFFFFFFFF)
if n < 0x4C:
w.append(n & 0xFF)
elif n < 0xFF:
w.append(n & 0xFF)
elif n < 0xFFFF:
w.append(n & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF)
w.append(n & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF)
def write_varint(w: Writer, n: int) -> None:
ensure(n >= 0 and n <= 0xFFFFFFFF)
if n < 253:
w.append(n & 0xFF)
elif n < 0x10000:
w.append(n & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF)
w.append(n & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 8) & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 16) & 0xFF)
w.append((n >> 24) & 0xFF)
def get_tx_hash(w: HashWriter, double: bool = False, reverse: bool = False) -> bytes:
d = w.get_digest()
if double:
d = sha256(d).digest()
if reverse:
d = bytes(reversed(d))
return d