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# This file is part of the Trezor project.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2018 SatoshiLabs and contributors
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License along with this library.
# If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>.
import random
import struct
from decimal import Decimal
import requests
from . import messages
cache_dir = None
def is_zcash(coin):
lcn = coin["coin_name"].lower()
return lcn.startswith("zcash") or lcn.startswith("komodo")
def is_capricoin(coin):
return coin["coin_name"].lower().startswith("capricoin")
def is_dash(coin):
return coin["coin_name"].lower().startswith("dash")
def pack_varint(n):
if n < 253:
return struct.pack("<B", n)
elif n <= 0xFFFF:
return struct.pack("<BH", 253, n)
elif n <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
return struct.pack("<BL", 254, n)
return struct.pack("<BQ", 255, n)
def _json_to_input(coin, vin):
i = messages.TxInputType()
if "coinbase" in vin:
i.prev_hash = b"\0" * 32
i.prev_index = 0xFFFFFFFF # signed int -1
i.script_sig = bytes.fromhex(vin["coinbase"])
i.sequence = vin["sequence"]
i.prev_hash = bytes.fromhex(vin["txid"])
i.prev_index = vin["vout"]
i.script_sig = bytes.fromhex(vin["scriptSig"]["hex"])
i.sequence = vin["sequence"]
if coin["decred"]:
i.decred_tree = vin["tree"]
# TODO: support amountIn, blockHeight, blockIndex
return i
def _json_to_bin_output(coin, vout):
o = messages.TxOutputBinType()
o.amount = int(Decimal(vout["value"]) * 100000000)
o.script_pubkey = bytes.fromhex(vout["scriptPubKey"]["hex"])
if coin["bip115"] and o.script_pubkey[-1] == 0xB4:
# Verify if coin implements replay protection bip115 and script includes
# checkblockatheight opcode. 0xb4 - is op_code (OP_CHECKBLOCKATHEIGHT)
# <OP_32> <32-byte block hash> <OP_3> <3-byte block height> <OP_CHECKBLOCKATHEIGHT>
tail = o.script_pubkey[-38:]
o.block_hash = tail[1:33] # <32-byte block hash>
o.block_height = int.from_bytes(tail[34:37], "little") # <3-byte block height>
if coin["decred"]:
o.decred_script_version = vout["version"]
return o
def json_to_tx(coin, data):
t = messages.TransactionType()
t.version = data["version"]
t.lock_time = data.get("locktime")
if is_capricoin(coin):
t.timestamp = data["time"]
if coin["decred"]:
t.expiry = data["expiry"]
if is_zcash(coin):
t.overwintered = data.get("fOverwintered", False)
t.expiry = data.get("nExpiryHeight", None)
t.version_group_id = data.get("nVersionGroupId", None)
t.inputs = [_json_to_input(coin, vin) for vin in data["vin"]]
t.bin_outputs = [_json_to_bin_output(coin, vout) for vout in data["vout"]]
# zcash extra data
if is_zcash(coin) and t.version >= 2:
joinsplit_cnt = len(data["vjoinsplit"])
if joinsplit_cnt == 0:
t.extra_data = b"\x00"
elif joinsplit_cnt >= 253:
# we assume cnt < 253, so we can treat varIntLen(cnt) as 1
raise ValueError("Too many joinsplits")
elif "hex" not in data:
raise ValueError("Raw TX data required for Zcash joinsplit transaction")
rawtx = bytes.fromhex(data["hex"])
extra_data_len = 1 + joinsplit_cnt * 1802 + 32 + 64
t.extra_data = rawtx[-extra_data_len:]
if is_dash(coin):
dip2_type = data.get("type", 0)
if t.version == 3 and dip2_type != 0:
# It's a DIP2 special TX with payload
if "extraPayloadSize" not in data or "extraPayload" not in data:
raise ValueError("Payload data missing in DIP2 transaction")
if data["extraPayloadSize"] * 2 != len(data["extraPayload"]):
raise ValueError("length mismatch")
t.extra_data = pack_varint(data["extraPayloadSize"]) + bytes.fromhex(
# Trezor firmware doesn't understand the split of version and type, so let's mimic the
# old serialization format
t.version |= dip2_type << 16
return t
class TxApi:
def __init__(self, coin_data):
self.coin_data = coin_data
if coin_data["blockbook"]:
self.url = random.choice(coin_data["blockbook"])
self.pushtx_url = self.url + "/sendtx"
self.type = "blockbook"
elif coin_data["bitcore"]:
self.url = random.choice(coin_data["bitcore"])
self.pushtx_url = self.url + "/tx/send"
self.type = "bitcore"
raise ValueError("No API URL in coin data")
def fetch_json(self, *path, **params):
url = self.url + "/api/" + "/".join(map(str, path))
return requests.get(url, params=params).json(parse_float=Decimal)
def get_block_hash(self, block_number):
j = self.fetch_json("block-index", block_number)
return bytes.fromhex(j["blockHash"])
def current_height(self):
j = self.fetch_json("status", q="getBlockCount")
return j["info"]["blocks"]
def __getitem__(self, txhash):
return self.get_tx(txhash.hex())
def get_tx_data(self, txhash):
method = "tx-specific" if self.type == "blockbook" else "tx"
data = self.fetch_json(method, txhash)
if is_zcash(self.coin_data) and data.get("vjoinsplit") and "hex" not in data:
j = self.fetch_json("rawtx", txhash)
data["hex"] = j["rawtx"]
return data
def get_tx(self, txhash):
data = self.get_tx_data(txhash)
return json_to_tx(self.coin_data, data)