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A couple of self-contained u2f HID device conformance tests:
HIDTest to check compliance at the usb HID communication layer.
U2FTest to check compliance at the application layer.
git clone
git clone -b lollipop-release
linux: sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
linux, mac: make
windows: nmake -f
- if you have an old vc compiler, consider adding
or similar to your vc include directory.
to find path of device to test (e.g. /dev/hidraw3)
./HIDTest $PATH [args]?
to test low level communications with device.
On windows?
- Make sure to keep the quotes around the path.
- Try to get ANSI colors.
On linux?
- Make sure path is rw for your uid. Typically, a udev rule that adds
rw for group plugdev goes a long way.
./U2FTest $PATH [args]?
to test u2f application layer functionality of device.
Additional commandline arguments:
Add -a to continue execution after an error.
Add -p to pause after each error.
Add -v and -V to get more verbose output, down to the usb frames with -V.
Add -b to U2FTest in case fob under test is of the insert / remove
class and does not have a user-presence button.