mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2024-12-19 12:58:13 +00:00
matejcik a58823cc0c refactor(python): rework trezorlib protobuf codec
API-compatibility with the original one is retained.

Now that we don't need to keep code parity with core, we could do some
changes that make life easier.

All generated classes are now in one file. This makes github diffs more
readable, at the cost of somewhat complicating inspecting individual
classes; however, that is something we shouldn't be doing anyway.

Enums are now implemented as enum.IntEnum.

The original class-level FIELDS member was restored.

Each field is now defined via protobuf.Field, which is easier to work
with in the codec, AND we're not stuffing defaults and flags into the
same field.
2021-06-08 09:55:19 +02:00

607 lines
19 KiB

# This file is part of the Trezor project.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License along with this library.
# If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>.
Extremely minimal streaming codec for a subset of protobuf.
Supports uint32, bytes, string, embedded message and repeated fields.
For de-serializing (loading) protobuf types, object with `Reader` interface is required.
For serializing (dumping) protobuf types, object with `Writer` interface is required.
import logging
import warnings
from enum import IntEnum
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
import attr
from typing_extensions import Protocol
MT = TypeVar("MT", bound="MessageType")
class Reader(Protocol):
def readinto(self, buffer: bytearray) -> int:
Reads exactly `len(buffer)` bytes into `buffer`. Returns number of bytes read,
or 0 if it cannot read that much.
class Writer(Protocol):
def write(self, buffer: bytes) -> int:
Writes all bytes from `buffer`, or raises `EOFError`
_UVARINT_BUFFER = bytearray(1)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def safe_issubclass(value, cls):
return isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, cls)
def load_uvarint(reader: Reader) -> int:
result = 0
shift = 0
byte = 0x80
bytes_read = 0
while byte & 0x80:
if reader.readinto(buffer) == 0:
if bytes_read > 0:
raise IOError("Interrupted UVarint")
raise EOFError
bytes_read += 1
byte = buffer[0]
result += (byte & 0x7F) << shift
shift += 7
return result
def dump_uvarint(writer: Writer, n: int) -> None:
if n < 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot dump signed value, convert it to unsigned first.")
shifted = 1
while shifted:
shifted = n >> 7
buffer[0] = (n & 0x7F) | (0x80 if shifted else 0x00)
n = shifted
# protobuf interleaved signed encoding:
# https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#structure
# the idea is to save the sign in LSbit instead of twos-complement.
# so counting up, you go: 0, -1, 1, -2, 2, ... (as the first bit changes, sign flips)
# To achieve this with a twos-complement number:
# 1. shift left by 1, leaving LSbit free
# 2. if the number is negative, do bitwise negation.
# This keeps positive number the same, and converts negative from twos-complement
# to the appropriate value, while setting the sign bit.
# The original algorithm makes use of the fact that arithmetic (signed) shift
# keeps the sign bits, so for a n-bit number, (x >> n) gets us "all sign bits".
# Then you can take "number XOR all-sign-bits", which is XOR 0 (identity) for positive
# and XOR 1 (bitwise negation) for negative. Cute and efficient.
# But this is harder in Python because we don't natively know the bit size of the number.
# So we have to branch on whether the number is negative.
def sint_to_uint(sint: int) -> int:
res = sint << 1
if sint < 0:
res = ~res
return res
def uint_to_sint(uint: int) -> int:
sign = uint & 1
res = uint >> 1
if sign:
res = ~res
return res
"uint32": WIRE_TYPE_INT,
"uint64": WIRE_TYPE_INT,
"sint32": WIRE_TYPE_INT,
"sint64": WIRE_TYPE_INT,
"bool": WIRE_TYPE_INT,
class Field:
name: str
type: Union[str, "MessageType", IntEnum]
repeated: bool = attr.ib(default=False)
required: bool = attr.ib(default=False)
default: object = attr.ib(default=None)
def wire_type(self) -> int:
if self.type in WIRE_TYPES:
return WIRE_TYPES[self.type]
if safe_issubclass(self.type, MessageType):
if safe_issubclass(self.type, IntEnum):
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized type for field {self.name}")
def value_fits(self, value: int) -> bool:
if self.type == "uint32":
return 0 <= value < 2 ** 32
if self.type == "uint64":
return 0 <= value < 2 ** 64
if self.type == "sint32":
return -(2 ** 31) <= value < 2 ** 31
if self.type == "sint64":
return -(2 ** 63) <= value < 2 ** 63
raise ValueError(f"Cannot check range bounds for {self.type}")
class _MessageTypeMeta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, d) -> None:
super().__init__(name, bases, d)
if name != "MessageType":
cls.__init__ = MessageType.__init__
class MessageType(metaclass=_MessageTypeMeta):
MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE: Optional[int] = None
UNSTABLE: bool = False
FIELDS: Dict[int, Field] = {}
def get_field(cls, name: str) -> Optional[Field]:
return next((f for f in cls.FIELDS.values() if f.name == name), None)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
if args:
"Positional arguments for MessageType are deprecated",
# process fields one by one
MISSING = object()
for field, val in zip_longest(self.FIELDS.values(), args, fillvalue=MISSING):
if field is MISSING:
raise TypeError("too many positional arguments")
if field.name in kwargs and val is not MISSING:
# both *args and **kwargs specify the same thing
raise TypeError(f"got multiple values for argument '{field.name}'")
elif field.name in kwargs:
# set in kwargs but not in args
setattr(self, field.name, kwargs[field.name])
elif val is not MISSING:
# set in args but not in kwargs
setattr(self, field.name, val)
# not set at all, pick a default
if field.repeated:
default = []
elif field.required:
f"Value of required field '{field.name}' must be provided in constructor",
default = field.default
setattr(self, field.name, default)
def __eq__(self, rhs: Any) -> bool:
return self.__class__ is rhs.__class__ and self.__dict__ == rhs.__dict__
def __repr__(self) -> str:
d = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if value is None or value == []:
d[key] = value
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, d)
def ByteSize(self) -> int:
data = BytesIO()
dump_message(data, self)
return len(data.getvalue())
class LimitedReader:
def __init__(self, reader: Reader, limit: int) -> None:
self.reader = reader
self.limit = limit
def readinto(self, buf: bytearray) -> int:
if self.limit < len(buf):
return 0
nread = self.reader.readinto(buf)
self.limit -= nread
return nread
class CountingWriter:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.size = 0
def write(self, buf: bytes) -> int:
nwritten = len(buf)
self.size += nwritten
return nwritten
def decode_packed_array_field(field: Field, reader: Reader) -> List[Any]:
assert field.repeated, "Not decoding packed array into non-repeated field"
length = load_uvarint(reader)
packed_reader = LimitedReader(reader, length)
values = []
while True:
values.append(decode_varint_field(field, packed_reader))
except EOFError:
return values
def decode_varint_field(field: Field, reader: Reader) -> Union[int, bool, IntEnum]:
assert field.wire_type == WIRE_TYPE_INT, f"Field {field.name} is not varint-encoded"
value = load_uvarint(reader)
if safe_issubclass(field.type, IntEnum):
return field.type(value)
except ValueError as e:
# treat enum errors as warnings
LOG.info(f"On field {field.name}: {e}")
return value
if field.type.startswith("uint"):
if not field.value_fits(value):
f"On field {field.name}: value {value} out of range for {field.type}"
return value
if field.type.startswith("sint"):
value = uint_to_sint(value)
if not field.value_fits(value):
f"On field {field.name}: value {value} out of range for {field.type}"
return value
if field.type == "bool":
return bool(value)
raise TypeError # not a varint field or unknown type
def decode_length_delimited_field(
field: Field, reader: Reader
) -> Union[bytes, str, MessageType]:
value = load_uvarint(reader)
if field.type == "bytes":
buf = bytearray(value)
return bytes(buf)
if field.type == "string":
buf = bytearray(value)
return buf.decode()
if safe_issubclass(field.type, MessageType):
return load_message(LimitedReader(reader, value), field.type)
raise TypeError # field type is unknown
def load_message(reader: Reader, msg_type: Type[MT]) -> MT:
msg_dict = {}
# pre-seed the dict
for field in msg_type.FIELDS.values():
if field.repeated:
msg_dict[field.name] = []
elif not field.required:
msg_dict[field.name] = field.default
while True:
fkey = load_uvarint(reader)
except EOFError:
break # no more fields to load
ftag = fkey >> 3
wtype = fkey & 7
field = msg_type.FIELDS.get(ftag, None)
if field is None: # unknown field, skip it
if wtype == WIRE_TYPE_INT:
elif wtype == WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH:
ivalue = load_uvarint(reader)
raise ValueError
if (
and field.wire_type == WIRE_TYPE_INT
and field.repeated
# packed array
fvalues = decode_packed_array_field(field, reader)
elif wtype != field.wire_type:
raise ValueError(f"Field {field.name} received value does not match schema")
elif wtype == WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH:
fvalues = [decode_length_delimited_field(field, reader)]
elif wtype == WIRE_TYPE_INT:
fvalues = [decode_varint_field(field, reader)]
raise TypeError # unknown wire type
if field.repeated:
elif len(fvalues) != 1:
raise ValueError("Unexpected multiple values in non-repeating field")
msg_dict[field.name] = fvalues[0]
for field in msg_type.FIELDS.values():
if field.required and field.name not in msg_dict:
raise ValueError(f"Did not receive value for field {field.name}")
return msg_type(**msg_dict)
def dump_message(writer: Writer, msg: MessageType) -> None:
repvalue = [0]
mtype = msg.__class__
for ftag, field in mtype.FIELDS.items():
fvalue = getattr(msg, field.name, None)
raise ValueError(f"Required value of field {field.name} was not provided")
if fvalue is None:
# not sending empty values
fkey = (ftag << 3) | field.wire_type
if not field.repeated:
repvalue[0] = fvalue
fvalue = repvalue
for svalue in fvalue:
dump_uvarint(writer, fkey)
if safe_issubclass(field.type, MessageType):
counter = CountingWriter()
dump_message(counter, svalue)
dump_uvarint(writer, counter.size)
dump_message(writer, svalue)
elif safe_issubclass(field.type, IntEnum):
if svalue not in field.type.__members__.values():
raise ValueError(
f"Value {svalue} in field {field.name} unknown for {field.type.__name__}"
dump_uvarint(writer, svalue)
elif field.type.startswith("uint"):
if not field.value_fits(svalue):
raise ValueError(
f"Value {svalue} in field {field.name} does not fit into {field.type}"
dump_uvarint(writer, svalue)
elif field.type.startswith("sint"):
if not field.value_fits(svalue):
raise ValueError(
f"Value {svalue} in field {field.name} does not fit into {field.type}"
dump_uvarint(writer, sint_to_uint(svalue))
elif field.type == "bool":
dump_uvarint(writer, int(svalue))
elif field.type == "bytes":
dump_uvarint(writer, len(svalue))
elif field.type == "string":
svalue_bytes = svalue.encode()
dump_uvarint(writer, len(svalue_bytes))
raise TypeError
def format_message(
pb: MessageType,
indent: int = 0,
sep: str = " " * 4,
truncate_after: Optional[int] = 256,
truncate_to: Optional[int] = 64,
) -> str:
def mostly_printable(bytes: bytes) -> bool:
if not bytes:
return True
printable = sum(1 for byte in bytes if 0x20 <= byte <= 0x7E)
return printable / len(bytes) > 0.8
def pformat(name: str, value: Any, indent: int) -> str:
level = sep * indent
leadin = sep * (indent + 1)
field = pb.get_field(name)
if isinstance(value, MessageType):
return format_message(value, indent, sep)
if isinstance(value, list):
# short list of simple values
if not value or all(isinstance(x, int) for x in value):
return repr(value)
# long list, one line per entry
lines = ["[", level + "]"]
lines[1:1] = [leadin + pformat(name, x, indent + 1) + "," for x in value]
return "\n".join(lines)
if isinstance(value, dict):
lines = ["{"]
for key, val in sorted(value.items()):
if val is None or val == []:
lines.append(leadin + key + ": " + pformat(key, val, indent + 1) + ",")
lines.append(level + "}")
return "\n".join(lines)
if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)):
length = len(value)
suffix = ""
if truncate_after and length > truncate_after:
suffix = "..."
value = value[: truncate_to or 0]
if mostly_printable(value):
output = repr(value)
output = "0x" + value.hex()
return "{} bytes {}{}".format(length, output, suffix)
if isinstance(value, int) and safe_issubclass(field.type, IntEnum):
return "{} ({})".format(field.type(value).name, value)
except ValueError:
return str(value)
return repr(value)
return "{name} ({size} bytes) {content}".format(
content=pformat("", pb.__dict__, indent),
def value_to_proto(field: Field, value: Any) -> Any:
if safe_issubclass(field.type, MessageType):
raise TypeError("value_to_proto only converts simple values")
if safe_issubclass(field.type, IntEnum):
if isinstance(value, str):
return field.type.__members__[value]
return field.type(value)
except ValueError as e:
LOG.info(f"On field {field.name}: {e}")
return int(value)
if "int" in field.type:
return int(value)
if field.type == "bool":
return bool(value)
if field.type == "string":
return str(value)
if field.type == "bytes":
if isinstance(value, str):
return bytes.fromhex(value)
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
raise TypeError(f"can't convert {type(value)} value to bytes")
def dict_to_proto(message_type: Type[MT], d: Dict[str, Any]) -> MT:
params = {}
for field in message_type.FIELDS.values():
value = d.get(field.name)
if value is None:
if not field.repeated:
value = [value]
if safe_issubclass(field.type, MessageType):
newvalue = [dict_to_proto(field.type, v) for v in value]
newvalue = [value_to_proto(field, v) for v in value]
if not field.repeated:
newvalue = newvalue[0]
params[field.name] = newvalue
return message_type(**params)
def to_dict(msg: MessageType, hexlify_bytes: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def convert_value(field: Field, value: Any) -> Any:
if hexlify_bytes and isinstance(value, bytes):
return value.hex()
elif isinstance(value, MessageType):
return to_dict(value, hexlify_bytes)
elif isinstance(value, list):
return [convert_value(field, v) for v in value]
elif isinstance(value, IntEnum):
return value.name
return value
res = {}
for key, value in msg.__dict__.items():
if value is None or value == []:
res[key] = convert_value(msg.get_field(key), value)
return res