You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import trezorui2
from trezor import log, ui, workflow
from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType
from trezor.messages import ButtonAck, ButtonRequest
from trezor.wire import ActionCancelled, context
from typing import Awaitable, Callable, TypeVar
PropertyType = tuple[str | None, str | bytes | None]
ExceptionType = BaseException | type[BaseException]
InfoFunc = Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
T = TypeVar("T")
async def _button_request(
br_type: str,
code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.Other,
pages: int = 0,
) -> None:
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "ButtonRequest.type=%s", br_type)
await context.maybe_call(ButtonRequest(code=code, pages=pages or None), ButtonAck)
async def interact(
layout_obj: ui.LayoutObj[T],
br_type: str | None,
br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.Other,
raise_on_cancel: ExceptionType | None = ActionCancelled,
) -> T:
# shut down other workflows to prevent them from interfering with the current one
# start the layout
layout = ui.Layout(layout_obj)
# send the button request
if br_type is not None:
await _button_request(br_type, br_code, layout_obj.page_count())
# wait for the layout result
result = await context.wait(layout.get_result())
# raise an exception if the user cancelled the action
if raise_on_cancel is not None and result is trezorui2.CANCELLED:
raise raise_on_cancel
return result
def raise_if_not_confirmed(
layout_obj: ui.LayoutObj[ui.UiResult],
br_type: str | None,
br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.Other,
exc: ExceptionType = ActionCancelled,
) -> Awaitable[None]:
action = interact(layout_obj, br_type, br_code, exc)
return action # type: ignore [Type cannot be assigned to type "None"]