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31 lines
860 B

ARRAY = ... # type: int
NATIVE = ... # type: int
LITTLE_ENDIAN = ... # type: int
BIG_ENDIAN = ... # type: int
VOID = ... # type: int
UINT8 = ... # type: int
INT8 = ... # type: int
UINT16 = ... # type: int
INT16 = ... # type: int
UINT32 = ... # type: int
INT32 = ... # type: int
UINT64 = ... # type: int
INT64 = ... # type: int
BFUINT8 = ... # type: int
BFINT8 = ... # type: int
BFUINT16 = ... # type: int
BFINT16 = ... # type: int
BFUINT32 = ... # type: int
BFINT32 = ... # type: int
BF_POS = ... # type: int
BF_LEN = ... # type: int
FLOAT32 = ... # type: int
class struct:
def __init__(self, addr: int, descriptor: dict, layout_type: int = ...) -> None: ...
def sizeof(struct: struct) -> int: ...
def addressof(obj: bytes) -> int: ...
def bytes_at(addr: int, size: int) -> bytes: ...
def bytearray_at(addr, size) -> bytearray: ...