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from micropython import const
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto
if False:
from typing import Tuple, Optional
from apps.monero.xmr.types import Ge25519, Sc25519
class XmrException(Exception):
class XmrNoSuchAddressException(XmrException):
def get_subaddress_secret_key(secret_key, index=None, major=None, minor=None):
Builds subaddress secret key from the subaddress index
Hs(SubAddr || a || index_major || index_minor)
if index:
major = index.major
minor = index.minor
if major == 0 and minor == 0:
return secret_key
return crypto.get_subaddress_secret_key(secret_key, major, minor)
def get_subaddress_spend_public_key(view_private, spend_public, major, minor):
Generates subaddress spend public key D_{major, minor}
if major == 0 and minor == 0:
return spend_public
m = get_subaddress_secret_key(view_private, major=major, minor=minor)
M = crypto.scalarmult_base(m)
D = crypto.point_add(spend_public, M)
return D
def derive_subaddress_public_key(out_key, derivation, output_index):
out_key - H_s(derivation || varint(output_index))G
scalar = crypto.derivation_to_scalar(derivation, output_index)
point2 = crypto.scalarmult_base(scalar)
point4 = crypto.point_sub(out_key, point2)
return point4
def generate_key_image(public_key, secret_key):
Key image: secret_key * H_p(pub_key)
point = crypto.hash_to_point(public_key)
point2 = crypto.scalarmult(point, secret_key)
return point2
def is_out_to_account(
subaddresses: dict,
out_key: Ge25519,
derivation: Ge25519,
additional_derivations: list,
output_index: int,
Checks whether the given transaction is sent to the account.
Searches subaddresses for the computed subaddress_spendkey.
Corresponds to is_out_to_acc_precomp() in the Monero codebase.
If found, returns (major, minor), derivation, otherwise None.
subaddress_spendkey = crypto.encodepoint(
derive_subaddress_public_key(out_key, derivation, output_index)
if subaddress_spendkey in subaddresses:
return subaddresses[subaddress_spendkey], derivation
if additional_derivations and len(additional_derivations) > 0:
if output_index >= len(additional_derivations):
raise ValueError("Wrong number of additional derivations")
subaddress_spendkey = derive_subaddress_public_key(
out_key, additional_derivations[output_index], output_index
subaddress_spendkey = crypto.encodepoint(subaddress_spendkey)
if subaddress_spendkey in subaddresses:
return (
return None
def generate_tx_spend_and_key_image(
ack, out_key, recv_derivation, real_output_index, received_index: tuple
) -> Optional[Tuple[Sc25519, Ge25519]]:
Generates UTXO spending key and key image.
Corresponds to generate_key_image_helper_precomp() in the Monero codebase.
:param ack: sender credentials
:type ack: apps.monero.xmr.credentials.AccountCreds
:param out_key: real output (from input RCT) destination key
:param recv_derivation:
:param real_output_index:
:param received_index: subaddress index this payment was received to
if not crypto.sc_isnonzero(ack.spend_key_private):
raise ValueError("Watch-only wallet not supported")
# derive secret key with subaddress - step 1: original CN derivation
scalar_step1 = crypto.derive_secret_key(
recv_derivation, real_output_index, ack.spend_key_private
# step 2: add Hs(SubAddr || a || index_major || index_minor)
subaddr_sk = None
if received_index == (0, 0):
scalar_step2 = scalar_step1
subaddr_sk = get_subaddress_secret_key(
ack.view_key_private, major=received_index[0], minor=received_index[1]
scalar_step2 = crypto.sc_add(scalar_step1, subaddr_sk)
# When not in multisig, we know the full spend secret key, so the output pubkey can be obtained by scalarmultBase
pub_ver = crypto.scalarmult_base(scalar_step2)
# <Multisig>, branch deactivated until implemented
# # When in multisig, we only know the partial spend secret key. But we do know the full spend public key,
# # so the output pubkey can be obtained by using the standard CN key derivation.
# pub_ver = crypto.derive_public_key(
# recv_derivation, real_output_index, ack.spend_key_public
# )
# # Add the contribution from the subaddress part
# if received_index != (0, 0):
# subaddr_pk = crypto.scalarmult_base(subaddr_sk)
# pub_ver = crypto.point_add(pub_ver, subaddr_pk)
# </Multisig>
if not crypto.point_eq(pub_ver, out_key):
raise ValueError(
"key image helper precomp: given output pubkey doesn't match the derived one"
ki = generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pub_ver), scalar_step2)
return scalar_step2, ki
def generate_tx_spend_and_key_image_and_derivation(
subaddresses: dict,
out_key: Ge25519,
tx_public_key: Ge25519,
additional_tx_public_keys: list,
real_output_index: int,
) -> Tuple[Sc25519, Ge25519, Ge25519]:
Generates UTXO spending key and key image and corresponding derivation.
Supports subaddresses.
Corresponds to generate_key_image_helper() in the Monero codebase.
:param creds:
:param subaddresses:
:param out_key: real output (from input RCT) destination key
:param tx_public_key: R, transaction public key
:param additional_tx_public_keys: Additional Rs, for subaddress destinations
:param real_output_index: index of the real output in the RCT
recv_derivation = crypto.generate_key_derivation(
tx_public_key, creds.view_key_private
additional_recv_derivations = []
for add_pub_key in additional_tx_public_keys:
crypto.generate_key_derivation(add_pub_key, creds.view_key_private)
subaddr_recv_info = is_out_to_account(
if subaddr_recv_info is None:
raise XmrNoSuchAddressException("No such addr")
xi, ki = generate_tx_spend_and_key_image(
creds, out_key, subaddr_recv_info[1], real_output_index, subaddr_recv_info[0]
return xi, ki, recv_derivation
def compute_subaddresses(creds, account: int, indices, subaddresses=None):
Computes subaddress public spend key for receiving transactions.
:param creds: credentials
:param account: major index
:param indices: array of minor indices
:param subaddresses: subaddress dict. optional.
if subaddresses is None:
subaddresses = {}
for idx in indices:
if account == 0 and idx == 0:
subaddresses[crypto.encodepoint(creds.spend_key_public)] = (0, 0)
pub = get_subaddress_spend_public_key(
creds.view_key_private, creds.spend_key_public, major=account, minor=idx
pub = crypto.encodepoint(pub)
subaddresses[pub] = (account, idx)
return subaddresses
def generate_keys(recovery_key):
pub = crypto.scalarmult_base(recovery_key)
return recovery_key, pub
def generate_monero_keys(seed):
Generates spend key / view key from the seed in the same manner as Monero code does.
crypto::secret_key account_base::generate(const crypto::secret_key& recovery_key, bool recover, bool two_random).
spend_sec, spend_pub = generate_keys(crypto.decodeint(seed))
hash = crypto.cn_fast_hash(crypto.encodeint(spend_sec))
view_sec, view_pub = generate_keys(crypto.decodeint(hash))
return spend_sec, spend_pub, view_sec, view_pub
def generate_sub_address_keys(view_sec, spend_pub, major, minor):
if major == 0 and minor == 0: # special case, Monero-defined
return spend_pub, crypto.scalarmult_base(view_sec)
m = get_subaddress_secret_key(view_sec, major=major, minor=minor)
M = crypto.scalarmult_base(m)
D = crypto.point_add(spend_pub, M)
C = crypto.scalarmult(D, view_sec)
return D, C
def commitment_mask(key, buff=None):
Generates deterministic commitment mask for Bulletproof2
data = bytearray(15 + 32)
data[0:15] = b"commitment_mask"
data[15:] = key
if buff:
return crypto.hash_to_scalar_into(buff, data)
return crypto.hash_to_scalar(data)