You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
857 B

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor.messages import RippleAddress, RippleGetAddress
from trezor.ui.layouts import show_address
from apps.common import paths
from apps.common.keychain import auto_keychain
from .helpers import address_from_public_key
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain
from trezor.wire import Context
async def get_address(
ctx: Context, msg: RippleGetAddress, keychain: Keychain
) -> RippleAddress:
await paths.validate_path(ctx, keychain, msg.address_n)
node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n)
pubkey = node.public_key()
address = address_from_public_key(pubkey)
if msg.show_display:
title = paths.address_n_to_str(msg.address_n)
await show_address(ctx, address=address, title=title)
return RippleAddress(address=address)