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from typing import Callable
from trezor.crypto import base58
# Ripple uses different 58 character alphabet than traditional base58
_ripple_alphabet = "rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz"
def encode(data: bytes) -> str:
Convert bytes to base58 encoded string.
return base58.encode(data, alphabet=_ripple_alphabet)
def decode(string: str) -> bytes:
Convert base58 encoded string to bytes.
return base58.decode(string, alphabet=_ripple_alphabet)
def encode_check(
data: bytes, digestfunc: Callable[[bytes], bytes] = base58.sha256d_32
) -> str:
Convert bytes to base58 encoded string, append checksum.
return encode(data + digestfunc(data))
def decode_check(
string: str, digestfunc: Callable[[bytes], bytes] = base58.sha256d_32
) -> bytes:
Convert base58 encoded string to bytes and verify checksum.
data = decode(string)
return base58.verify_checksum(data, digestfunc)