mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 11:46:09 +00:00
69 lines
2.2 KiB
69 lines
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.PHONY: vendor
help: ## show this help
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36mmake %-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
vendor: ## update git submodules
git submodule update --init
build: build_stmhal build_unix ## build both stmhal and 32-bit unix micropython ports
build_stmhal: vendor ## build stmhal port
make -C vendor/micropython/stmhal
build_unix: vendor ## build 32-bit unix port
make -C vendor/micropython/unix MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT=1
build_cross: vendor ## build 32-bit mpy-cross port
make -C vendor/micropython/mpy-cross MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT=1
build_frozen: vendor build_cross ## build 32-bit unix port with frozen modules (from vendor/micropython/unix/frozen)
make -C vendor/micropython/unix FROZEN_MPY_DIR=frozen MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT=1
build_unix64: vendor ## build 64-bit unix port
make -C vendor/micropython/unix
build_cross64: vendor ## build 64-bit mpy-cross port
make -C vendor/micropython/mpy-cross
build_frozen64: vendor build_cross ## build 64-bit unix port with frozen modules (from vendor/micropython/unix/frozen)
make -C vendor/micropython/unix FROZEN_MPY_DIR=frozen
run: ## run unix port
cd src ; ../vendor/micropython/unix/micropython
emu: ## run emulator
clean: clean_stmhal clean_unix ## clean all builds
clean_stmhal: ## clean stmhal build
make -C vendor/micropython/stmhal clean
clean_unix: ## clean unix build
make -C vendor/micropython/unix clean
test: ## run unit tests
cd src/tests ; ./run_tests.sh
flash: ## flash firmware using st-flash
st-flash write $(STMHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware0.bin 0x8000000
sleep 0.1
st-flash write $(STMHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware1.bin 0x8020000
openocd: ## start openocd which connects to the device
openocd -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg
gdb: ## start remote gdb session which connects to the openocd
gdb $(STMHAL_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.elf -ex 'target remote localhost:3333'
load: ## load contents of src into mass storage of trezor
rm -rf /run/media/${USER}/PYBFLASH/*
cp -a src/apps /run/media/${USER}/PYBFLASH/
cp -a src/lib /run/media/${USER}/PYBFLASH/
cp -a src/trezor /run/media/${USER}/PYBFLASH/
cp -a src/*.py /run/media/${USER}/PYBFLASH/