You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

211 lines
6.7 KiB

from trezor import io, loop, res, ui
from trezor.crypto import bip39
from trezor.ui import display
from trezor.ui.button import Button, ButtonClear, ButtonMono, ButtonMonoConfirm
def compute_mask(text: str) -> int:
mask = 0
for c in text:
shift = ord(c) - 97 # ord('a') == 97
if shift < 0:
mask |= 1 << shift
return mask
class KeyButton(Button):
def __init__(self, area, content, keyboard):
self.keyboard = keyboard
super().__init__(area, content)
def on_click(self):
class InputButton(Button):
def __init__(self, area, content, word):
super().__init__(area, content)
self.word = word
self.pending = False
self.icon = None
def edit(self, content, word, pending):
self.word = word
self.content = content
self.pending = pending
self.repaint = True
if word:
if content == word: # confirm button
self.normal_style = ButtonMonoConfirm.normal
self.active_style =
self.icon = ui.ICON_CONFIRM
else: # auto-complete button
self.normal_style = ButtonMono.normal
self.active_style =
self.icon = ui.ICON_CLICK
else: # disabled button
self.disabled_style = ButtonMono.disabled
self.icon = None
def render_content(self, s, ax, ay, aw, ah):
text_style = s.text_style
fg_color = s.fg_color
bg_color = s.bg_color
p = self.pending # should we draw the pending marker?
t = self.content # input content
w = self.word[len(t) :] # suggested word
i = self.icon # rendered icon
if not t:
# render prompt
display.text(20, 40, self.prompt, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG)
tx = ax + 24 # x-offset of the content
ty = ay + ah // 2 + 8 # y-offset of the content
# input content and the suggested word
display.text(tx, ty, t, text_style, fg_color, bg_color)
width = display.text_width(t, text_style)
display.text(tx + width, ty, w, text_style, ui.GREY, bg_color)
if p: # pending marker
pw = display.text_width(t[-1:], text_style)
px = tx + width - pw, ty + 2, pw + 1, 3, fg_color)
if i: # icon
ix = ax + aw - 16 * 2
iy = ty - 16
display.icon(ix, iy, res.load(i), fg_color, bg_color)
class Prompt(ui.Control):
def __init__(self, prompt):
self.prompt = prompt
self.repaint = True
def on_render(self):
if self.repaint:, 8, ui.WIDTH, 60, ui.BG)
display.text(20, 40, self.prompt, ui.BOLD, ui.GREY, ui.BG)
self.repaint = False
class MnemonicKeyboard(ui.Layout):
def __init__(self, prompt):
self.prompt = Prompt(prompt)
icon_back = res.load(ui.ICON_BACK)
self.back = Button(ui.grid(0, n_x=4, n_y=4), icon_back, ButtonClear)
self.back.on_click = self.on_back_click
self.input = InputButton(ui.grid(1, n_x=4, n_y=4, cells_x=3), "", "")
self.input.on_click = self.on_input_click
self.keys = [
KeyButton(ui.grid(i + 3, n_y=4), k, self)
for i, k in enumerate(
("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqr", "stu", "vwx", "yz")
self.pending_button = None
self.pending_index = 0
def dispatch(self, event: int, x: int, y: int):
for btn in self.keys:
btn.dispatch(event, x, y)
if self.input.content:
self.input.dispatch(event, x, y)
self.back.dispatch(event, x, y)
self.prompt.dispatch(event, x, y)
def on_back_click(self):
# Backspace was clicked, let's delete the last character of input.
def on_input_click(self):
# Input button was clicked. If the content matches the suggested word,
# let's confirm it, otherwise just auto-complete.
content = self.input.content
word = self.input.word
if word and word == content:
def on_key_click(self, btn: Button):
# Key button was clicked. If this button is pending, let's cycle the
# pending character in input. If not, let's just append the first
# character.
if self.pending_button is btn:
index = (self.pending_index + 1) % len(btn.content)
content = self.input.content[:-1] + btn.content[index]
index = 0
content = self.input.content + btn.content[0]
self.edit(content, btn, index)
def on_timeout(self):
# Timeout occurred. If we can auto-complete current input, let's just
# reset the pending marker. If not, input is invalid, let's backspace
# the last character.
if self.input.word:
def on_confirm(self, word):
# Word was confirmed by the user.
raise ui.Result(word)
def edit(self, content: str, button: KeyButton = None, index: int = 0):
self.pending_button = button
self.pending_index = index
# find the completions
pending = button is not None
word = bip39.find_word(content) or ""
mask = bip39.complete_word(content)
# modify the input state
self.input.edit(content, word, pending)
# enable or disable key buttons
for btn in self.keys:
if btn is button or compute_mask(btn.content) & mask:
# invalidate the prompt if we display it next frame
if not self.input.content:
self.prompt.repaint = True
async def handle_input(self):
touch = loop.wait(io.TOUCH)
timeout = loop.sleep(1000 * 1000 * 1)
spawn_touch = loop.spawn(touch)
spawn_timeout = loop.spawn(touch, timeout)
while True:
if self.pending_button is not None:
spawn = spawn_timeout
spawn = spawn_touch
result = await spawn
if touch in spawn.finished:
event, x, y = result
self.dispatch(event, x, y)