You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
6.4 KiB

from micropython import const
from ubinascii import hexlify
from trezor import config, ui, wire
from trezor.crypto import bip39, hashlib, random
from trezor.messages import ButtonRequestType, MessageType
from trezor.messages.EntropyRequest import EntropyRequest
from trezor.messages.Success import Success
from import pin_to_int
from trezor.ui.mnemonic import MnemonicKeyboard
from trezor.ui.scroll import Paginated
from trezor.ui.text import Text
from trezor.utils import chunks, format_ordinal
from apps.common import mnemonic, storage
from apps.common.confirm import hold_to_confirm, require_confirm
from import request_pin_confirm
if __debug__:
from apps import debug
async def reset_device(ctx, msg):
# validate parameters and device state
if msg.strength not in (128, 192, 256):
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid strength (has to be 128, 192 or 256 bits)")
if msg.display_random and (msg.skip_backup or msg.no_backup):
raise wire.ProcessError("Can't show internal entropy when backup is skipped")
if storage.is_initialized():
raise wire.UnexpectedMessage("Already initialized")
# make sure use knows he's setting up a new wallet
await show_reset_warning(ctx)
# request new PIN
if msg.pin_protection:
newpin = await request_pin_confirm(ctx)
newpin = ""
# generate and display internal entropy
internal_ent = random.bytes(32)
if __debug__:
debug.reset_internal_entropy = internal_ent
if msg.display_random:
await show_entropy(ctx, internal_ent)
# request external entropy and compute mnemonic
ent_ack = await, MessageType.EntropyAck)
words = generate_mnemonic(msg.strength, internal_ent, ent_ack.entropy)
if not msg.skip_backup and not msg.no_backup:
# require confirmation of the mnemonic safety
await show_backup_warning(ctx)
# show mnemonic and require confirmation of a random word
while True:
await show_mnemonic(ctx, words)
if await check_mnemonic(ctx, words):
await show_wrong_entry(ctx)
# write PIN into storage
if newpin:
if not config.change_pin(pin_to_int(""), pin_to_int(newpin)):
raise wire.ProcessError("Could not change PIN")
secret = mnemonic.process([words], mnemonic.TYPE_BIP39)
# write settings and mnemonic into storage
storage.load_settings(label=msg.label, use_passphrase=msg.passphrase_protection)
# show success message
if not msg.skip_backup and not msg.no_backup:
await show_success(ctx)
return Success(message="Initialized")
def generate_mnemonic(strength: int, int_entropy: bytes, ext_entropy: bytes) -> bytes:
ehash = hashlib.sha256()
entropy = ehash.digest()
return bip39.from_data(entropy[: strength // 8])
async def show_reset_warning(ctx):
text = Text("Create a new wallet", ui.ICON_RESET, new_lines=False)
text.normal("Do you really want to")
text.normal("create a new wallet?")
text.normal("By continuing you agree")
await require_confirm(ctx, text, code=ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice)
async def show_backup_warning(ctx):
text = Text("Backup your seed", ui.ICON_NOCOPY)
"Never make a digital",
"copy of your recovery",
"seed and never upload",
"it online!",
await require_confirm(
ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, confirm="I understand", cancel=None
async def show_wrong_entry(ctx):
text = Text("Wrong entry!", ui.ICON_WRONG, ui.RED)
text.normal("You have entered", "wrong seed word.", "Please check again.")
await require_confirm(
ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, confirm="Check again", cancel=None
async def show_success(ctx):
text = Text("Backup is done!", ui.ICON_CONFIRM, ui.GREEN)
"Never make a digital",
"copy of your recovery",
"seed and never upload",
"it online!",
await require_confirm(
ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, confirm="Finish setup", cancel=None
async def show_entropy(ctx, entropy: bytes):
entropy_str = hexlify(entropy).decode()
lines = chunks(entropy_str, 16)
text = Text("Internal entropy", ui.ICON_RESET)
await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice)
async def show_mnemonic(ctx, mnemonic: str):
# split mnemonic words into pages
PER_PAGE = const(4)
words = mnemonic.split()
words = list(enumerate(words))
words = list(chunks(words, PER_PAGE))
# display the pages, with a confirmation dialog on the last one
pages = [get_mnemonic_page(page) for page in words]
paginated = Paginated(pages)
if __debug__:
def export_displayed_words():
# export currently displayed mnemonic words into debuglink
debug.reset_current_words = [w for _, w in words[]]
paginated.on_change = export_displayed_words
await hold_to_confirm(ctx, paginated, ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice)
def get_mnemonic_page(words: list):
text = Text("Recovery seed", ui.ICON_RESET)
for index, word in words:
text.mono("%2d. %s" % (index + 1, word))
return text
async def check_mnemonic(ctx, mnemonic: str) -> bool:
words = mnemonic.split()
# check a word from the first half
index = random.uniform(len(words) // 2)
if not await check_word(ctx, words, index):
return False
# check a word from the second half
index = random.uniform(len(words) // 2) + len(words) // 2
if not await check_word(ctx, words, index):
return False
return True
async def check_word(ctx, words: list, index: int):
if __debug__:
debug.reset_word_index = index
keyboard = MnemonicKeyboard("Type the %s word:" % format_ordinal(index + 1))
if __debug__:
result = await ctx.wait(keyboard, debug.input_signal)
result = await ctx.wait(keyboard)
return result == words[index]