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# Author: Dusan Klinec, ph4r05, 2018
# Resources:
from trezor.crypto import monero as tcry
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha3_256
NULL_KEY_ENC = b"\x00" * 32
def get_keccak(data: bytes | None = None) -> sha3_256:
return sha3_256(data=data, keccak=True)
def keccak_2hash(inp: bytes, buff: bytes | None = None) -> bytes:
buff = buff if buff else bytearray(32)
tcry.fast_hash_into(buff, inp)
tcry.fast_hash_into(buff, buff)
return buff
def compute_hmac(key: bytes, msg: bytes) -> bytes:
digestmod = get_keccak
inner = digestmod()
block_size = inner.block_size
if len(key) > block_size:
key = digestmod(key).digest()
key_block = bytearray(block_size)
for i in range(block_size):
key_block[i] = 0x36
for i in range(len(key)):
key_block[i] ^= key[i]
outer = digestmod()
for i in range(block_size):
key_block[i] = 0x5C
for i in range(len(key)):
key_block[i] ^= key[i]
return outer.digest()
# EC
def decodepoint(x: bytes) -> tcry.Point:
return tcry.decodepoint_into(None, x)
def encodepoint(x: tcry.Point, offset: int = 0) -> bytes:
return tcry.encodepoint_into(None, x, offset)
def encodeint(x: tcry.Scalar, offset: int = 0) -> bytes:
return tcry.encodeint_into(None, x, offset)
def decodeint(x: bytes) -> tcry.Scalar:
return tcry.decodeint_into(None, x)
INV_EIGHT = b"\x79\x2f\xdc\xe2\x29\xe5\x06\x61\xd0\xda\x1c\x7d\xb3\x9d\xd3\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06"
def generate_key_derivation(pub: tcry.Point, sec: tcry.Scalar) -> tcry.Point:
Key derivation: 8*(key2*key1)
tcry.sc_check(sec) # checks that the secret key is uniform enough...
return tcry.xmr_generate_key_derivation(None, pub, sec)
def derivation_to_scalar(derivation: tcry.Point, output_index: int) -> tcry.Scalar:
H_s(derivation || varint(output_index))
return tcry.xmr_derivation_to_scalar(None, derivation, output_index)
def derive_public_key(
derivation: tcry.Point, output_index: int, B: tcry.Point
) -> tcry.Point:
H_s(derivation || varint(output_index))G + B
return tcry.xmr_derive_public_key(None, derivation, output_index, B)
def derive_secret_key(
derivation: tcry.Point, output_index: int, base: tcry.Scalar
) -> tcry.Scalar:
base + H_s(derivation || varint(output_index))
return tcry.xmr_derive_private_key(None, derivation, output_index, base)
def get_subaddress_secret_key(
secret_key: tcry.Scalar, major: int = 0, minor: int = 0
) -> tcry.Scalar:
Builds subaddress secret key from the subaddress index
Hs(SubAddr || a || index_major || index_minor)
return tcry.xmr_get_subaddress_secret_key(None, major, minor, secret_key)
def generate_signature(
data: bytes, priv: tcry.Scalar
) -> tuple[tcry.Scalar, tcry.Scalar, tcry.Point]:
Generate EC signature
crypto_ops::generate_signature(const hash &prefix_hash, const public_key &pub, const secret_key &sec, signature &sig)
pub = tcry.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv)
k = tcry.random_scalar()
comm = tcry.scalarmult_base_into(None, k)
buff = data + encodepoint(pub) + encodepoint(comm)
c = tcry.hash_to_scalar_into(None, buff)
r = tcry.sc_mulsub_into(None, priv, c, k)
return c, r, pub
def check_signature(
data: bytes, c: tcry.Scalar, r: tcry.Scalar, pub: tcry.Point
) -> bool:
EC signature verification
if tcry.sc_check(c) != 0 or tcry.sc_check(r) != 0:
raise ValueError("Signature error")
tmp2 = tcry.point_add_into(
None, tcry.scalarmult_into(None, pub, c), tcry.scalarmult_base_into(None, r)
buff = data + encodepoint(pub) + encodepoint(tmp2)
tmp_c = tcry.hash_to_scalar_into(None, buff)
res = tcry.sc_sub_into(None, tmp_c, c)
return tcry.sc_iszero(res)
def xor8(buff: bytearray, key: bytes) -> bytes:
for i in range(8):
buff[i] ^= key[i]
return buff