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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from apps.common.keychain import auto_keychain
from trezor.wire import Context
from trezor.messages import EosSignTx, EosSignedTx
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain
async def sign_tx(ctx: Context, msg: EosSignTx, keychain: Keychain) -> EosSignedTx:
from trezor.wire import DataError
from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.messages import EosSignedTx, EosTxActionAck, EosTxActionRequest
from trezor.utils import HashWriter
from apps.common import paths
from .writers import write_uvarint, write_header, write_bytes_fixed
from .actions import process_action
from .helpers import base58_encode
from .layout import require_sign_tx
num_actions = msg.num_actions # local_cache_attribute
if not num_actions:
raise DataError("No actions")
await paths.validate_path(ctx, keychain, msg.address_n)
node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n)
sha = HashWriter(sha256())
# init
write_bytes_fixed(sha, msg.chain_id, 32)
write_header(sha, msg.header)
write_uvarint(sha, 0)
write_uvarint(sha, num_actions)
await require_sign_tx(ctx, num_actions)
# actions
for index in range(num_actions):
action = await, EosTxActionAck)
is_last = index == num_actions - 1
await process_action(ctx, sha, action, is_last)
write_uvarint(sha, 0)
write_bytes_fixed(sha, bytearray(32), 32)
digest = sha.get_digest()
signature = secp256k1.sign(
node.private_key(), digest, True, secp256k1.CANONICAL_SIG_EOS
return EosSignedTx(signature=base58_encode("SIG_", "K1", signature))