You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
2.5 KiB

from ubinascii import hexlify
from trezor import ui
from trezor.messages import ButtonRequestType
from trezor.ui.text import Text
from trezor.utils import chunks, format_amount
from apps.common.confirm import require_confirm, require_hold_to_confirm
from apps.common.layout import split_address
from apps.ethereum import networks, tokens
from apps.ethereum.address import ethereum_address_hex
async def require_confirm_tx(ctx, to, value, chain_id, token=None, tx_type=None):
if to:
to_str = ethereum_address_hex(to, networks.by_chain_id(chain_id))
to_str = "new contract?"
text = Text("Confirm sending", ui.ICON_SEND, icon_color=ui.GREEN, new_lines=False)
text.bold(format_ethereum_amount(value, token, chain_id, tx_type))
text.normal(ui.GREY, "to", ui.FG)
for to_line in split_address(to_str):
# we use SignTx, not ConfirmOutput, for compatibility with T1
await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.SignTx)
async def require_confirm_fee(
ctx, spending, gas_price, gas_limit, chain_id, token=None, tx_type=None
text = Text(
"Confirm transaction", ui.ICON_SEND, icon_color=ui.GREEN, new_lines=False
text.bold(format_ethereum_amount(spending, token, chain_id, tx_type))
text.normal(ui.GREY, "Gas price:", ui.FG)
text.bold(format_ethereum_amount(gas_price, None, chain_id, tx_type))
text.normal(ui.GREY, "Maximum fee:", ui.FG)
text.bold(format_ethereum_amount(gas_price * gas_limit, None, chain_id, tx_type))
await require_hold_to_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.SignTx)
def split_data(data):
return chunks(data, 18)
async def require_confirm_data(ctx, data, data_total):
data_str = hexlify(data[:36]).decode()
if data_total > 36:
data_str = data_str[:-2] + ".."
text = Text("Confirm data", ui.ICON_SEND, icon_color=ui.GREEN)
text.bold("Size: %d bytes" % data_total)
# we use SignTx, not ConfirmOutput, for compatibility with T1
await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.SignTx)
def format_ethereum_amount(value: int, token, chain_id: int, tx_type=None):
if token:
if token is tokens.UNKNOWN_TOKEN:
return "Unknown token value"
suffix = token[2]
decimals = token[3]
suffix = networks.shortcut_by_chain_id(chain_id, tx_type)
decimals = 18
if value <= 1e9:
suffix = "Wei " + suffix
decimals = 0
return "%s %s" % (format_amount(value, decimals), suffix)