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from trezor.crypto import base58, crc, hashlib
from . import cbor
from apps.common import HARDENED, seed
def validate_full_path(path: list) -> bool:
Validates derivation path to fit 44'/1815'/a'/{0,1}/i,
where `a` is an account number and i an address index.
The max value for `a` is 20, 1 000 000 for `i`.
The derivation scheme v1 allowed a'/0/i only,
but in v2 it can be a'/1/i as well.
if len(path) != 5:
return False
if path[0] != 44 | HARDENED:
return False
if path[1] != 1815 | HARDENED:
return False
if path[2] < HARDENED or path[2] > 20 | HARDENED:
return False
if path[3] != 0 and path[3] != 1:
return False
if path[4] > 1000000:
return False
return True
def _address_hash(data) -> bytes:
data = cbor.encode(data)
data = hashlib.sha3_256(data).digest()
res = hashlib.blake2b(data=data, outlen=28).digest()
return res
def _get_address_root(node, payload):
extpubkey = seed.remove_ed25519_prefix(node.public_key()) + node.chain_code()
if payload:
payload = {1: cbor.encode(payload)}
payload = {}
return _address_hash([0, [0, extpubkey], payload])
def derive_address_and_node(root_node, path: list):
derived_node = root_node.clone()
address_payload = None
address_attributes = {}
for indice in path:
address_root = _get_address_root(derived_node, address_payload)
address_type = 0
address_data = [address_root, address_attributes, address_type]
address_data_encoded = cbor.encode(address_data)
address = base58.encode(
[cbor.Tagged(24, address_data_encoded), crc.crc32(address_data_encoded)]
return (address, derived_node)