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import storage.device
import storage.resident_credentials
from trezor import wire
from trezor.messages import Success, WebAuthnRemoveResidentCredential
from trezor.ui.components.common.webauthn import ConfirmInfo
from trezor.ui.layouts.webauthn import confirm_webauthn
from .credential import Fido2Credential
from .resident_credentials import get_resident_credential
class ConfirmRemoveCredential(ConfirmInfo):
def __init__(self, cred: Fido2Credential):
self._cred = cred
def get_header(self) -> str:
return "Remove credential"
def app_name(self) -> str:
return self._cred.app_name()
def account_name(self) -> str | None:
return self._cred.account_name()
async def remove_resident_credential(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: WebAuthnRemoveResidentCredential
) -> Success:
if not storage.device.is_initialized():
raise wire.NotInitialized("Device is not initialized")
if msg.index is None:
raise wire.ProcessError("Missing credential index parameter.")
cred = get_resident_credential(msg.index)
if cred is None:
raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid credential index.")
if not await confirm_webauthn(ctx, ConfirmRemoveCredential(cred)):
raise wire.ActionCancelled
assert cred.index is not None
return Success(message="Credential removed")