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from storage import cache, common, device
from trezor import config
def set_current_version() -> None:
def is_initialized() -> bool:
return device.is_version_stored()
def wipe() -> None:
def init_unlocked() -> None:
# Check for storage version upgrade.
version = device.get_version()
if version == common.STORAGE_VERSION_01:
def _migrate_from_version_01() -> None:
# Make the U2F counter public and writable even when storage is locked.
# U2F counter wasn't public, so we are intentionally not using storage.device module.
counter = common.get(common.APP_DEVICE, device.U2F_COUNTER)
if counter is not None:
device.set_u2f_counter(int.from_bytes(counter, "big"))
# Delete the old, non-public U2F_COUNTER.
common.delete(common.APP_DEVICE, device.U2F_COUNTER)