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import gc
from micropython import const
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import blake256
from trezor.messages import FailureType, InputScriptType
from trezor.messages.SignTx import SignTx
from trezor.messages.TxInputType import TxInputType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputBinType import TxOutputBinType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputType import TxOutputType
from trezor.messages.TxRequestSerializedType import TxRequestSerializedType
from trezor.utils import HashWriter
from apps.common import coininfo, seed
from apps.wallet.sign_tx import addresses, helpers, multisig, progress, scripts, writers
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.signing import Bitcoin, SigningError, ecdsa_sign
DECRED_SERIALIZE_FULL = const(0 << 16)
class DecredPrefixHasher:
While Decred does not have the exact same implementation as bip143/zip143,
the semantics for using the prefix hash of transactions are close enough
that a pseudo-bip143 class can be used.
def __init__(self, tx: SignTx):
self.h_prefix = HashWriter(blake256())
writers.write_uint32(self.h_prefix, tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_NO_WITNESS)
writers.write_varint(self.h_prefix, tx.inputs_count)
def add_prevouts(self, txi: TxInputType) -> None:
writers.write_tx_input_decred(self.h_prefix, txi)
def add_sequence(self, txi: TxInputType) -> None:
def add_output_count(self, tx: SignTx) -> None:
writers.write_varint(self.h_prefix, tx.outputs_count)
def add_output(self, txo_bin: TxOutputBinType) -> None:
writers.write_tx_output(self.h_prefix, txo_bin)
def add_locktime_expiry(self, tx: SignTx) -> None:
writers.write_uint32(self.h_prefix, tx.lock_time)
writers.write_uint32(self.h_prefix, tx.expiry)
def prefix_hash(self) -> bytes:
return self.h_prefix.get_digest()
class Decred(Bitcoin):
def initialize(
self, tx: SignTx, keychain: seed.Keychain, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo
) -> None:
super().initialize(tx, keychain, coin)
# This is required because the last serialized output obtained in
# `check_fee` will only be sent to the client in `sign_tx`
self.last_output_bytes = None # type: bytearray
def init_hash143(self) -> None:
self.hash143 = DecredPrefixHasher(self.tx) # pseudo BIP-0143 prefix hashing
async def phase1(self) -> None:
await super().phase1()
async def phase1_process_input(self, i: int, txi: TxInputType) -> None:
await super().phase1_process_input(i, txi)
w_txi = writers.empty_bytearray(8 if i == 0 else 0 + 9 + len(txi.prev_hash))
if i == 0: # serializing first input => prepend headers
self.write_sign_tx_header(w_txi, False)
writers.write_tx_input_decred(w_txi, txi)
self.tx_req.serialized = TxRequestSerializedType(None, None, w_txi)
async def phase1_confirm_output(
self, i: int, txo: TxOutputType, txo_bin: TxOutputBinType
) -> None:
if txo.decred_script_version is not None and txo.decred_script_version != 0:
raise SigningError(
"Cannot send to output with script version != 0",
txo_bin.decred_script_version = txo.decred_script_version
w_txo_bin = writers.empty_bytearray(4 + 8 + 2 + 4 + len(txo_bin.script_pubkey))
if i == 0: # serializing first output => prepend outputs count
writers.write_varint(w_txo_bin, self.tx.outputs_count)
writers.write_tx_output(w_txo_bin, txo_bin)
self.tx_req.serialized = TxRequestSerializedType(serialized_tx=w_txo_bin)
self.last_output_bytes = w_txo_bin
await super().phase1_confirm_output(i, txo, txo_bin)
async def phase2(self) -> None:
self.tx_req.serialized = None
prefix_hash = self.hash143.prefix_hash()
for i_sign in range(self.tx.inputs_count):
txi_sign = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i_sign, self.coin)
key_sign = self.keychain.derive(txi_sign.address_n, self.coin.curve_name)
key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
prev_pkscript = scripts.output_script_multisig(
elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
prev_pkscript = scripts.output_script_p2pkh(
addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, self.coin)
raise SigningError("Unsupported input script type")
h_witness = HashWriter(blake256())
h_witness, self.tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_WITNESS_SIGNING
writers.write_varint(h_witness, self.tx.inputs_count)
for ii in range(self.tx.inputs_count):
if ii == i_sign:
writers.write_bytes_prefixed(h_witness, prev_pkscript)
writers.write_varint(h_witness, 0)
witness_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(
h_witness, double=self.coin.sign_hash_double, reverse=False
h_sign = HashWriter(blake256())
writers.write_uint32(h_sign, DECRED_SIGHASHALL)
writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_sign, prefix_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
writers.write_bytes_fixed(h_sign, witness_hash, writers.TX_HASH_SIZE)
sig_hash = writers.get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=self.coin.sign_hash_double)
signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, sig_hash)
# serialize input with correct signature
txi_sign.script_sig = self.input_derive_script(
txi_sign, key_sign_pub, signature
w_txi_sign = writers.empty_bytearray(
8 + 4 + len(self.last_output_bytes)
if i_sign == 0
else 0 + 16 + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig)
if i_sign == 0:
writers.write_bytes_unchecked(w_txi_sign, self.last_output_bytes)
writers.write_uint32(w_txi_sign, self.tx.lock_time)
writers.write_uint32(w_txi_sign, self.tx.expiry)
writers.write_varint(w_txi_sign, self.tx.inputs_count)
writers.write_tx_input_decred_witness(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
self.tx_req.serialized = TxRequestSerializedType(
i_sign, signature, w_txi_sign
await helpers.request_tx_finish(self.tx_req)
async def get_prevtx_output_value(self, prev_hash: bytes, prev_index: int) -> int:
total_out = 0 # sum of output amounts
tx = await helpers.request_tx_meta(self.tx_req, self.coin, prev_hash)
if tx.outputs_cnt <= prev_index:
raise SigningError(
FailureType.ProcessError, "Not enough outputs in previous transaction."
txh = HashWriter(blake256())
writers.write_uint32(txh, tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_NO_WITNESS)
writers.write_varint(txh, tx.inputs_cnt)
for i in range(tx.inputs_cnt):
txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i, self.coin, prev_hash)
writers.write_tx_input_decred(txh, txi)
writers.write_varint(txh, tx.outputs_cnt)
for o in range(tx.outputs_cnt):
txo_bin = await helpers.request_tx_output(
self.tx_req, o, self.coin, prev_hash
writers.write_tx_output(txh, txo_bin)
if o == prev_index:
total_out += txo_bin.amount
if (
txo_bin.decred_script_version is not None
and txo_bin.decred_script_version != 0
raise SigningError(
"Cannot use utxo that has script_version != 0",
writers.write_uint32(txh, tx.lock_time)
writers.write_uint32(txh, tx.expiry)
if (
writers.get_tx_hash(txh, double=self.coin.sign_hash_double, reverse=True)
!= prev_hash
raise SigningError(
FailureType.ProcessError, "Encountered invalid prev_hash"
return total_out