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from micropython import const
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize.message_types import ContainerType, MessageType
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.base import ECKey
from ..serialize.base_types import XmrType
class _KeyV(ContainerType):
FIX_SIZE = const(0)
ELEM_TYPE: XmrType[bytes] = ECKey
class Bulletproof(MessageType):
__slots__ = ("A", "S", "T1", "T2", "taux", "mu", "L", "R", "a", "b", "t", "V")
def f_specs(cls) -> tuple:
return (
("A", ECKey),
("S", ECKey),
("T1", ECKey),
("T2", ECKey),
("taux", ECKey),
("mu", ECKey),
("L", _KeyV),
("R", _KeyV),
("a", ECKey),
("b", ECKey),
("t", ECKey),
class BulletproofPlus(MessageType):
__slots__ = ("A", "A1", "B", "r1", "s1", "d1", "V", "L", "R")
def f_specs(cls) -> tuple:
return (
("A", ECKey),
("A1", ECKey),
("B", ECKey),
("r1", ECKey),
("s1", ECKey),
("d1", ECKey),
("V", _KeyV),
("L", _KeyV),
("R", _KeyV),