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from micropython import const
from trezor import ui, workflow
from trezor.crypto import bip39, slip39
from apps.common import storage
if False:
from typing import Optional, Tuple
TYPE_BIP39 = const(0)
TYPE_SLIP39 = const(1)
12: TYPE_BIP39,
18: TYPE_BIP39,
24: TYPE_BIP39,
20: TYPE_SLIP39,
33: TYPE_SLIP39,
def get() -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], int]:
return get_secret(), get_type()
def get_secret() -> Optional[bytes]:
return storage.device.get_mnemonic_secret()
def get_type() -> int:
mnemonic_type = storage.device.get_mnemonic_type() or TYPE_BIP39
if mnemonic_type not in (TYPE_BIP39, TYPE_SLIP39):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid mnemonic type")
return mnemonic_type
def get_seed(passphrase: str = "", progress_bar: bool = True) -> bytes:
mnemonic_secret, mnemonic_type = get()
if mnemonic_secret is None:
raise ValueError("Mnemonic not set")
render_func = None
if progress_bar:
render_func = _render_progress
if mnemonic_type == TYPE_BIP39:
seed = bip39.seed(mnemonic_secret.decode(), passphrase, render_func)
elif mnemonic_type == TYPE_SLIP39:
identifier = storage.device.get_slip39_identifier()
iteration_exponent = storage.device.get_slip39_iteration_exponent()
seed = slip39.decrypt(
identifier, iteration_exponent, mnemonic_secret, passphrase
if progress_bar:
return seed
def type_from_word_count(count: int) -> int:
if count not in TYPES_WORD_COUNT:
raise RuntimeError("Recovery: Unknown words count")
return TYPES_WORD_COUNT[count]
def _start_progress() -> None:
ui.header("Please wait")
def _render_progress(progress: int, total: int) -> None:
p = 1000 * progress // total
ui.display.loader(p, False, 18, ui.WHITE, ui.BG)
def _stop_progress() -> None: