mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2024-10-19 14:30:31 +00:00
Dusan Klinec 33c174491f refactor(core/monero): Monero code cleanup
* remove support for HF12 and below
* remove MLSAG support
* clean up monero cryptography naming
* get rid of "optional first argument" pattern, in favor of mandatory argument that is allowed to be None
  (and fix several bugs related to this feature)

Co-authored-by: grdddj <jiri.musil06@seznam.cz>
Co-authored-by: Martin Milata <martin@martinmilata.cz>
Co-authored-by: matejcik <ja@matejcik.cz>
2022-05-16 12:37:24 +02:00

365 lines
16 KiB

from common import *
if not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY:
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto, crypto_helpers, clsag
from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ct_key import CtKey
from trezor.crypto import monero as tcry
from trezor.crypto import random
import ubinascii
point_mul8_into = tcry.ge25519_mul8
class TmpKey:
def __init__(self, d, c):
self.dest = d
self.commitment = c
@unittest.skipUnless(not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY, "altcoin")
class TestMoneroClsag(unittest.TestCase):
def verify_clsag(self, msg, ss, sc1, sI, sD, pubs, C_offset):
n = len(pubs)
c = crypto.Scalar()
D_8 = crypto.Point()
tmp_bf = bytearray(32)
C_offset_bf = crypto_helpers.encodepoint(C_offset)
crypto.sc_copy(c, sc1)
point_mul8_into(D_8, sD)
hsh_P = crypto_helpers.get_keccak() # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset
hsh_C = crypto_helpers.get_keccak() # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset
def hsh_PC(x):
for x in pubs:
for x in pubs:
hsh_PC(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, sI))
hsh_PC(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, sD))
mu_P = crypto_helpers.decodeint(hsh_P.digest())
mu_C = crypto_helpers.decodeint(hsh_C.digest())
c_to_hash = crypto_helpers.get_keccak() # domain, P, C, C_offset, message, L, R
for i in range(len(pubs)):
for i in range(len(pubs)):
c_p = crypto.Scalar()
c_c = crypto.Scalar()
L = crypto.Point()
R = crypto.Point()
tmp_pt = crypto.Point()
i = 0
while i < n:
crypto.sc_mul_into(c_p, mu_P, c)
crypto.sc_mul_into(c_c, mu_C, c)
C_P = crypto.point_sub_into(
None, crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp_pt, pubs[i].commitment), C_offset
L, ss[i], c_p, crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp_pt, pubs[i].dest)
crypto.point_add_into(L, L, crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp_pt, C_P, c_c))
HP = crypto.hash_to_point_into(None, pubs[i].dest)
crypto.add_keys3_into(R, ss[i], HP, c_p, sI)
crypto.point_add_into(R, R, crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp_pt, D_8, c_c))
chasher = c_to_hash.copy()
chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, L))
chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, R))
crypto.decodeint_into(c, chasher.digest())
i += 1
res = crypto.sc_sub_into(None, c, sc1)
if not crypto.sc_eq(res, crypto.Scalar(0)):
raise ValueError("Signature error")
def gen_clsag_test(self, ring_size=11, index=None):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=index)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
def gen_clsag_sig(self, ring_size=11, index=None):
msg = random.bytes(32)
amnt = crypto.Scalar(random.uniform(0xFFFFFF) + 12)
priv = crypto.random_scalar()
msk = crypto.random_scalar()
alpha = crypto.random_scalar()
P = crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv)
C = crypto.add_keys2_into(None, msk, amnt, crypto.xmr_H())
Cp = crypto.add_keys2_into(None, alpha, amnt, crypto.xmr_H())
ring = []
for i in range(ring_size - 1):
tk = TmpKey(
crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())
crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())
index = index if index is not None else random.uniform(len(ring))
ring.insert(index, TmpKey(crypto_helpers.encodepoint(P), crypto_helpers.encodepoint(C)))
ring2 = list(ring)
mg_buffer = []
crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv),
crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.sc_sub_into(None, msk, alpha)),
None, crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ring[index].commitment), Cp
msg, ring, CtKey(priv, msk), alpha, Cp, index, mg_buffer,
sD = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(mg_buffer[-1])
sc1 = crypto_helpers.decodeint(mg_buffer[-2])
scalars = [crypto_helpers.decodeint(x) for x in mg_buffer[1:-2]]
H = crypto.Point()
sI = crypto.Point()
crypto.hash_to_point_into(H, crypto_helpers.encodepoint(P))
crypto.scalarmult_into(sI, H, priv) # I = p*H
return msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp
def verify_monero_generated(self, clsag):
msg = ubinascii.unhexlify(clsag["msg"])
sI = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ubinascii.unhexlify(clsag["sI"]))
sD = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ubinascii.unhexlify(clsag["sD"]))
sc1 = crypto_helpers.decodeint(ubinascii.unhexlify(clsag["sc1"]))
Cout = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ubinascii.unhexlify(clsag["cout"]))
scalars = [crypto_helpers.decodeint(ubinascii.unhexlify(x)) for x in clsag["ss"]]
ring = []
for e in clsag["ring"]:
ring.append(TmpKey(ubinascii.unhexlify(e[0]), ubinascii.unhexlify(e[1])))
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring, Cout)
def test_monero_generated_clsag_01(self):
clsag = {
"msg": "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"cout": "8e3afb92d8ae1264417489259e38f7205a62baea86ae9592cd91988b9cc48102",
"sI": "a1c7f4a316ddd16374fe495d402be60566047ae5a1352554e98ebff118705303",
"sD": "cd80b5c7f3f597de6e20bcef669a4ba9eb3eb89ead12ab1c24c92acd609afcb2",
"sc1": "cf4f48ed60771d4e8d02e9e0af37281ceeb66573bd528ac256a7e17794a75602",
"ss": [
"ring": [
def test_monero_generated_clsag_02(self):
clsag = {
"msg": "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"cout": "fdf2503d3217dbf73ababd16f5ab5a63d64c047db1d02b0888a50d2570f3a793",
"sI": "917fdd3086c056503ffdb1840f03c78d48bfe6d9d60b4efb194bd9798d03acaa",
"sD": "769d0ca9b272ac02c5efad7df6b5c00f2995c99ca80f4597136decba9a0dd36f",
"sc1": "fe5c7eb39a32d2aea12e6d127d847b72ea810bfbf3d5bbe23c40e7abdd12900e",
"ss": [
"ring": [
def test_clsag(self):
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=11, index=None)
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=11, index=None)
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=11, index=None)
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=11, index=0)
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=11, index=9)
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=11, index=10)
self.gen_clsag_test(ring_size=2, index=0)
def test_clsag_invalid_sI(self):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
sI = point_mul8_into(None, sI)
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
def test_clsag_invalid_sD(self):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
sD = crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
def test_clsag_invalid_P(self):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ring2[5].dest = crypto_helpers.encodepoint(
point_mul8_into(None, crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ring2[5].dest))
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
def test_clsag_invalid_P(self):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ring2[5].commitment = crypto_helpers.encodepoint(
point_mul8_into(None, crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ring2[5].dest))
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
def test_clsag_invalid_Cp(self):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Cp = crypto.point_add_into(
None, Cp, crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.Scalar(1))
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
def test_clsag_invalid_index(self):
res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ring2[5], ring2[6] = ring2[6], ring2[5]
self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
if __name__ == "__main__":