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30 lines
771 B

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from hashlib import blake2s
FILE_T1 = "legacy/firmware/trezor.bin"
FILE_T2 = "core/build/firmware/firmware.bin"
SIZE_T1 = (7 * 128 + 64) * 1024
SIZE_T2 = 13 * 128 * 1024
for filename, size in ((FILE_T1, SIZE_T1), (FILE_T2, SIZE_T2)):
data = open(filename, "rb").read()
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"{filename} not found")
if len(data) > size:
raise ValueError(filename, "too big")
data = data + b"\xff" * (size - len(data))
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
challenge = bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[1])
firmware_hash = blake2s(data, key=challenge).hexdigest()
firmware_hash = blake2s(data).hexdigest()
print(f"{filename}: {firmware_hash}")