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from typing import Type
from trezor import log, messages, wire
from trezor.enums import CardanoTxSigningMode
from .. import seed
from .signer import Signer
async def sign_tx(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: messages.CardanoSignTxInit, keychain: seed.Keychain
) -> messages.CardanoSignTxFinished:
signer_type: Type[Signer]
if msg.signing_mode == CardanoTxSigningMode.ORDINARY_TRANSACTION:
from .ordinary_signer import OrdinarySigner
signer_type = OrdinarySigner
elif msg.signing_mode == CardanoTxSigningMode.POOL_REGISTRATION_AS_OWNER:
from .pool_owner_signer import PoolOwnerSigner
signer_type = PoolOwnerSigner
elif msg.signing_mode == CardanoTxSigningMode.MULTISIG_TRANSACTION:
from .multisig_signer import MultisigSigner
signer_type = MultisigSigner
elif msg.signing_mode == CardanoTxSigningMode.PLUTUS_TRANSACTION:
from .plutus_signer import PlutusSigner
signer_type = PlutusSigner
raise RuntimeError # should be unreachable
signer = signer_type(ctx, msg, keychain)
await signer.sign()
except ValueError as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
raise wire.ProcessError("Signing failed")
return messages.CardanoSignTxFinished()