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from trezor import wire
from trezor.messages import InputScriptType
from trezor.messages.HDNodeType import HDNodeType
from trezor.messages.PublicKey import PublicKey
from apps.common import HARDENED, coins, layout, seed
from .keychain import get_keychain_for_coin
async def get_keychain_for_curve(ctx: wire.Context, curve_name: str) -> seed.Keychain:
"""Set up a keychain for SLIP-13 and SLIP-17 namespaces with a specified curve."""
namespaces = [
(curve_name, [13 | HARDENED]),
(curve_name, [17 | HARDENED]),
return await seed.get_keychain(ctx, namespaces)
async def get_public_key(ctx, msg):
script_type = msg.script_type or InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
if msg.ecdsa_curve_name is not None:
# If a curve name is provided, disallow coin-specific features.
if (
msg.coin_name is not None
or msg.script_type is not InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
raise wire.DataError(
"Cannot use coin_name or script_type with ecdsa_curve_name"
coin = coins.by_name("Bitcoin")
# only allow SLIP-13/17 namespaces
keychain = await get_keychain_for_curve(ctx, msg.ecdsa_curve_name)
# select curve and namespaces based on the requested coin properties
keychain, coin = await get_keychain_for_coin(ctx, msg.coin_name)
node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n)
if (
script_type in [InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG]
and coin.xpub_magic is not None
node_xpub = node.serialize_public(coin.xpub_magic)
elif (
and script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS
and coin.xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh is not None
node_xpub = node.serialize_public(coin.xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh)
elif (
and script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS
and coin.xpub_magic_segwit_native is not None
node_xpub = node.serialize_public(coin.xpub_magic_segwit_native)
raise wire.DataError("Invalid combination of coin and script_type")
pubkey = node.public_key()
if pubkey[0] == 1:
pubkey = b"\x00" + pubkey[1:]
node_type = HDNodeType(
if msg.show_display:
await layout.show_pubkey(ctx, pubkey)
return PublicKey(node=node_type, xpub=node_xpub)